Cool, some more suggestions regarding combat, I usually do not comment so much, but I really like ur game, so Ill do it.
Make combat Of two types-
1) Sex/ battlefuck combat, which can even be in Safe zones, where our So called enemy is just trying to seduce u and not Lethally injure u, maybe add incubi as well, and they will have to deplete ur willpower instead of health. If u lose then u may get dizzy and they may gain seduction point towards u (Like u fall in love with them) and if u get too attached they may start making demands, and the dice roll to reject those demands will get harder.
2) real combat, which will also have hardcore sex, but they are real enemies who try to kill u.
As for combat skills, u can take skyrim for example, where if u use punch/ non lethal skill then they will improve the more u use them (tho balancing can be a real nightmare, so its just a suggestion.) also Have unarmed and non lethal builds, and try not to make them suck cojones. Thats all.
Lastly, do not make things too time sensitive. Im saying this bcoz towards the end that dude says u have 48 hrs, and sometimes thats fine, but mostly let ppl enjoy the game at their own pace, excluding a few time sensitive missions.
Thats all, thanks for reading.
Heya friends.
Thanks for the suggestion.
But right now i dont need suggestion cause i know what i want to add in the chapter 1.
Sorry...? or no need: the things you suggest are "mostly" my plans ^^
I think you (and other) will be agrees, about, "loose to get porn anomation", is totally wrong. I dont like it.
Meaning if you win, and continue your game, there's no sex? lol. hell no.
so i 'll tell you guys what i'm planning for the combat+sex:
Sex in combat:
Somes combats, i'll be direct by showing a message (in case this is not obivous depending on situation, images)
"sex is impossible".
Sybille is like a baby succubus. She cant fuck every thing. The succubus charms will be way more use/explain in the next update.
But some "creature" with strong mind, such as human, powerfull human, let's say other "heroes" wont be easily charmed.
In chapter 1, you wont meet very strong ennemies, such like other super (heroes, vilain...? both?) so i think almost every thing can be seduced.
Now, let's talk about the
I think, the basic way is beat to almost death your enemy, and fuck him/her. So, beside few
exeptions (will explain later)
each time sybille win her battle, she can "fuck" with her opponent. But he wont be very energetic because he lost some teeth in the "foreplay" you know.
Sybille can choose sexuyally dominate the beaten enemy, or, act sub. How sub you may ask, if the poor guy is almost knock out? Well, from tease, and fake "oops" position .. Like, you know, all theses girls in porns videos which are stuck in a washing machine (lol)or an elevator. You get the idea now (hehe, perv!).
The other way, is to fuck in the middle of the fight.
Aaaannnnd i want to do that but i need to think about it.
During fights you'll have choices. Sometimes you could taunt your opponent. Sexually or not.
Next moves, while sybille is struggling with her opponent with a grapple, she can "moans" or rubs her butt (accidently, as -fake-"sub", or clearly teasing, as "dom") against enemy.
All this little taunts will build an solid erection to your enemy.
And then your opponent is under your charm effect, even if he still tries to beat you, his attack/defense will be weaker than usual, he may hesitate or being confuse from your taunt, distract, well, he will show a lot of vulnerabilities.
Edit: BTW! You will still be able to fuck your enemy again once you beaten him/her. So yes, the "bonus sex fuck" will allow you to double (even more) your drains amount, but also it will turn the battle way more easy.
You know the bad guy will be like "
haha...*pant* i fucked y..You...*pant* like..the..stupid..wh..whore *pant* you..are.. now..g..get die!"
In other hand sybille will be fully healed, buffed, confident
rewards for fucking is pretty easy:
The more the "creature" is
NOT in mood to fuck you, the more effective will be your drain.
It work in all situation, even without battle.
For example the little doctor ...the situation was dangerous (for him). Like, anyone could come in the room. Specially his dad.
An easy example, if sybille tease an drunk, sexaddict, single man, to fuck her she'll get a very basic drain.
While she seduce an VIP man(famous or something), fiance, about to marry the woman of his life in 3 days, he's virgin and "sex is only married for having childs", and etc etc... the drains power wont be the same.
Sybille is not a slut. She's a smart slut.
Ah !
the exeptions!
Sometimes it will be completely impossible to fuck characters, battle or not. They will discover Sybille's secret (aware that sex with her is slow suicide) or simply your seduce powers are too weak. And even simplier: some creature are not sexualized. Most of wild creature wont see you as a mating thing, but soft, warm juicy meat, no to fuck, nope...