I will probably wait a bit to make a review for the game since it is still very early in its development. So far I really enjoy the game. It is rare to see extreme femdom games now since the term "extreme" will often mean very different things to each person based on the fetishes they know about. So far this game seems to be pretty extreme overall having content be as tame as normal foot worship to having mermaid eggs pumped into you until your stomach is the size of a pumpkin (Did not farm for it, I enjoy gacha but the grind would easily ruin any fight later on. Will likely do it in the future tho...). It would be nice if a list of fetishes was given to at least figure out how far the game will go, but its hard to say what would be the most extreme fetish in the game. There are still plenty of fetishes I have not seen in the game yet, but chances are they will end up in the game.
I would be very interested in getting more story for the game as you just kind of wake up, die if you don't drink water, talk to some people, and accept that you are now in a new world in a new body with mostergirls who want you. After that there doesn't seem to be much story that drives the game. It feels like you just explore the new world you are in, but I could have just missed some story. There is already a gift system and mentions of becoming lovers with monster girls, which seems like it will be cool in the future. It would also be cool to see lots of more rare moster girls...I am not biased but it would be great to see skunk girls since they rarely get any appearances nowadays. We currently have (if I remember right) fairies, lamias, cow girls, centaurs, elves/dark elves (not sure), succubus (at least in name), cat girls, and more I am definitely forgetting. Based on the game, harpies and spider girls would be a great fit. There were also different skills the player can learn based on level such as kissing, cunnilingus, and sex, though not a lot. Would be nice to have a beg skill to have the enemy use specific attacks against you, but it would likely get very complicated to code. Plus all the attacks are only text so not many would care probably.
Currently the game has a few issues. Text in cutscenes will often make it difficult to tell who is talking to who and even sometimes show the wrong name for the person talking. I was not able to find a place to heal in the game, though it could have been the pot in the lamia area now that I think about it. Most npc's with scenes are repeatable, but they go for a long time and can make skipping through after clicking them again a bit annoying (I would recommend a speed up button, similar to how Misantria has different levels of speed depending on the number pressed). Enemy attack dialogs can sometimes go by quickly despite some of them being long and rare. In fact, with the rate at which the enemies use certain attacks it is possible to not get every attack type even after 100 attacks. There is also a specific move that all the enemies can do which should be just taken out since it is boring and occurs too often. The lack of sound effects for the game can be a bit weird, along with the small number of pictures it becomes very odd during scenes and dialog. Completeing a game over scene will crash the game, it will get an error wanting a picture it can't find. Only found I believe 2 game overs but there could have been 3, though none of them were unique to the specific enemy as you would get repeats.
Overall, great game that is still in early development and I look forward to its future.