I don't particularly care either way, myself, but polls like this aren't necessarily "will only do what the majority says". For instance, at present, the poll shows 38 people would like a choice added, while 143 people are fine with things the way they are. The poll gives N2 an idea of numbers, and if he decides it's a small enough change to help the 20% of the game's fans who don't like it, and that it won't offend the 80% who are voting "it's fine as is" to add the choice, he might still add it. So don't take it as "we must win the vote for it to change".
For example, WCA's dev ran a poll about adding RPG and combat mechanics. 58% voted for 'yes, add it', but he decided not to add it, with this explanation:
So take the poll as it's intended: N2 gathering information/data, not making a decision based purely on the poll result itself.