This game is unplayable soooooo....
If any are interested I found a way to just view the video.
I found it in another thread on a different game but I've confirmed that it works.
( You can do it yourself, pretty easy ).
1. Download "AssetStudio by Perfare" in github ( look it up in google )
2. Choose the version based on NET. framework installed on your computer ( mine is 4.72 )
3. Extract into folder or open "AssetStudioGUI.exe" directly from WinRAR / 7 ZIP.
( It's standalone App, don't worry )
4. Once you open the app, in upper left : File > Load File > Then go to your game path > Monster > Monster_Data > resources.assets
5. The App will load the content inside, there will be warnings ( IGNORE IT ) press ok till none appears.
6. There are 3 menus in upper left, click "Asset List" then Sort by Size
7. You found the video files but which are the sex scenes ?
8. Sex scenes is named by : 1-1,1-2,1-3........ and so on until 4-10
9. Choose manually by using CTRL + Left Click
10. After you choose all of them Right-Click then "Export Selected Assets"
There you have it