thanks man1. Talk to Emma.
2. Go to the Temple and talk to Master Komi.
3. As Emma collect the clothes on the floor around the house.
a - on the floor in Emma's room
b - on the floor in Laura's room
c - enter in the James' room.
4. Put the clothes in the washing machine.
5. Click on the package in the kitchen.
6. Go to Emma's room and change clothes (click on the circle).
7. Go to the building where Samuel works (Taxi select Offices).
8. As Laura click on Coly but he will use a smoke bomb, keep clicking on him until Laura gives up.
9. Go to the beach (you can't use the taxi).
10. Talk to Coly on the beach.
11. Hide in the alley.
12. Keep walking towards Laura's house.
13. As James, talk to Marcus in front of Laura's house.
14. Go to James' room with Marcus.
15. As Marcus go out.
16. As James talk to Emma in her room.
17. As Laura talk to James (he is sleeping in his bed).
18. As Emma go to Jack's House (the fat neighbor)
19. As Jack go to Kisha's Clothing Store.
20. Go back to Jack's house.
21. As Samuel go to Laura's house.
22. As Samuel Follow Laura at the Police Station.
23. As Veronica find the Orange Club.
24. As Veronica go to the van.
25. As Laura go to the beach.