First of all not two months but 1.5 from release previous and second, where you found two scenes? I saw 4, new friend, Jack Emma, David Laura- James Zoe, Laura asian teacher, I have never seen scene like Laura David- James Zoe before in any game, that was so cool, if you upset of this term of updates what you will tell about milking developers who create updates in 4-6 month, ha?
First of all, I don't know what you're talking about, I only found the scene between the son and the crush and the one against the door so I don't know if I missed a scene but Laura "asian" teacher? You're talking about the slap in the ass from the old man? You consider that a scene?
Why do I have to be "upset" and not just disappointed? Also why do I have to compare it to milkers instead of compare a 3D game to a 2D game like Fleeting Iris that releases a patch let's say in 4 months and has 20 scenes? Actual sex scenes, not slaps in the ass. You know how many scenes they advertised for the Shota patch that is taking them 6 months to do? 34 scenes, so I honestly don't know where you're coming from.
It's still decent but this whole rendering of massive conversations instead of using busts feel like a massive waste of productive time, it's a jab at 3D games and how they're developed nowadays more than it is a jab at Laura.
If I want to address the game itself and not the genre I'll probably mention that I don't understand these design choices, why go to the asian temple or whatever that is? It feels like it was an excuse to use that outfit. There are already so many characters in the game that the game can revolve around, why introduce new ones before let's say the fat guy gets a piece of Laura's ass? It feels like the developer just went there because it's common in other similar games (Manila Shaw, for instance), but hey, he's the developer, his decision and I am not complaining, it just feels like the game is going a bit all over the place like what happened with Anna's Exciting Affection and another game I used to follow called Elena's Life where they introduce interesting characters, they have a short moment and then they're forgotten for 4, 5, 6 patches or never even brought up again like the twins in Elena's Life which I'm not expecting you to know what I'm talking about but maybe you do so it feels like a good example to give. Long story short at some point it's almost impossible to follow any semblance of a story and it becomes a glorified scene fetcher.
Anyway, still a subscriber, looking forward to next patch, definitely better and faster than most of the stuff out there.