Best NSFW game I've played.
Honestly, its so much more than a NSFW game, giving it that label feels like an injustice. Yeah, it has porn and its done great, with beautiful graphics and better animations than most in the genre, but tbh it was the last thing on my mind while playing.
Its truly a beautiful story with no weak-link characters. I found myself invested in all of them, even the ones not involved romantically. Its expertly written, seemingly having a near-perfect balance of levity and tragedy, making me both laugh and tear-up at plenty of parts. And while I only played through it once, I can tell just how different the paths branch from your choices, especially who you choose to make your main girl.
It also doesn't fall in to the traps a lot of NSFW games fall into writing-wise. In many games, you're forced to have interactions with characters your PC isn't sleeping with, and it can feel like a giant waste of time since you're not interested. But like I said with this game, I was invested in every character, for they're all so greatly written with their own stories to unfold. Also, a lot of NSFW games boast "this game is EXTREME. IT'LL BREAK YOU BECAUSE ITS JUST TOO REAL!!!" and then you get there and all the edgy nonsense feels forced and obnoxious. Again, not the case with this game. It deals with some pretty heavy subject matter, but its handled so believably and with great care. Such a great emotional ride.
Porn or not, just play it now if you're a fan of great narratives (And fantastic soundtracks. I wish I could buy or download it from somewhere). You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll have a great time! Can't wait to see more from this Developer.