The main issue being the difficulty spike, it was a deliberate choice I made because without even trying, you could pretty much kill bosses in three turns at that point in the story before the spike.
Golden Edition will address this by lower PDEF (normal defense) on enemies found during locations you have to visit during the story, optional enemies and bosses won't be affected by the change.
New for Golden Edition is the option for you choose between Normal and Easy Mode when starting a brand new game, Easy Mode will be for those who wants no challenge through the storymode and just steamroll through the game.
Golden Edition will also include everything I originally wanted to be in the game in the first place, but didn't had time to add for the release due to...well, how I started this topic.

But when this version of the game will be finished is anyone's guess, I'll likely work on it during my spare time while the crowdfunding for my third game is running.