Unity Completed Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry [CrazyBunch]

3.00 star(s) 4 Votes


Ex Patch Maker
Aug 6, 2016
Quick question: Is this a cracked Steam release or was someone smart enough to just share a copy of the GoG DRM-free release?


Jul 9, 2017
I too shall say the word: Millennials

Other than that, it's not a great game really. I've played the other LSL games and this one does a terrible job at trying to fit in with the series. Art is great at least. Colorful, and it balances between having a cluttered mess while having a background that shows a bit of life. But for LSL fans, you might want to stay away from buying it at least. So just download it here if you're curious, but expect a bit of disappointment.
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Active Member
Oct 25, 2017
LSL is like a trip down memory lane, haha. Leisure Suit Larry 3 was my first foray into adult gaming way back on the Amiga. This was back when they'd use "clever" copyright protections in games, and one of the ways they did this in LSL3 was to have a quiz before the start of the game to test your knowledge and therefore confirm whether you were over 18 or not (I imagine most of those questions are pretty dated now). This was before the internet was a thing and bulletin boards were still pretty popular, so when my parents weren't home one day I connected to a Sierra hints and tips board via our 2400 baud Supra modem to find the answers and print them off.

That game was great back in the day. This one? Not so much. Ever since Al Lowe stopped working on them they've been watered down and lame. I think Love For Sail was his last? Can't remember.

Thanks for sharing either way! I'll finish it up for the sake of completionism anyway.
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Reactions: jimdandy and Glaoui


Jul 30, 2018
I think Love for Sail had an actual sex scene in it, too (but not shown). Gamefaqs says one girl has sex with you if you talk to her about the weather, so that's probably it.
Ya there are Easter Eggs all throughout Love For Sail, you had to click on random items and then type something into the parser to unlock the scene, The Librarian you don't actually see the sex because they do it behind the desk but with the Easter Egg actice the librarian pops up during sex so you see her boobs.

There is another Easter Egg where you can very briefly see Larry and Captain Thiegh having sex just before the alien abduction at the end.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2017
The series should've ended with Love for Sail since that was the last good one IMO. I remember buying it as a kid and the woman at the checkout not so much as batting an eye. Good times.

Get a look at that review:

1.00 star(s)
There is only one reason to do a game with a MC as shabby and ridiculous as this one: to be as politically incorrect as possible and to make jokes about everybody and everything without caring about who is offended.

Well, this is not the case with this game. This game is 100% politically corrected. It seems like (because, probably, it's the case) the game has been done by some millennials without wit or real sense of irony (although they probably think they have both), and extraordinarily worried about not offending anyone.

Of course, they have never dare to make a MC as ridiculous as Larry, being the MC a black lesbian, for example.

There is no sex at all in this game, by the way.

We really can never escape the whole "blame the millenials" shit?
Generations are stupid and "Millennial" might be the worst since it gets so broadly applied. Better when the bitching about Millennials is done by people who are also classified as Millennials who don't realize it.
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Reactions: Bootyman


Jul 4, 2017
Gosh. The age verification sucks. All questions are more or less America related. As a Kraut I have not much of a chance there.


Aug 17, 2016
To the uploader: thanks for uploading a thing! Yup, this is a game that sounds, based solely on the title, like it fits on f95.

To potential downloaders: don't. Just don't.

Did you ever want to hear endless jokes in English about millennials, written by Germans who took a few English language classes in college but otherwise aren't 100% sure how the language works? Did you find all that 'nudity' from previous Leisure Suit Larry games offensive? Did you think sex games didn't have enough toilet humor in them? Is the only way you can achieve sexual arousal to rub random items together for hours on end so that you can get to the next Goddamn scene so that a terrible game can finally end?

Then Wet Dreams Don't Dry is for you!

If not, then congratulations! You might still be sane!

Seriously though, don't get this game. It sucks. Personally, I vouch for Magna Cum Laude. It's not perfect, but if you can get past its shitty arcade sequences it's actually pretty well-written and has a decent amount of (3D rendered) nudity. Definitely more worth your time than THIS garbage game. Or, obviously, just play the original Leisure Suit Larry series made by Al Lowe if you haven't already. But if you've played through them all like I have, then MCL isn't a bad way to spend some time.
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Jul 6, 2018
To the uploader: thanks for uploading a thing! Yup, this is a game that sounds, based solely on the title, like it fits on f95.

To potential downloaders: don't. Just don't.

Did you ever want to hear endless jokes in English about millennials, written by Germans who took a few English language classes in college but otherwise aren't 100% sure how the language works? Did you find all that 'nudity' from previous Leisure Suit Larry games offensive? Did you think sex games didn't have enough toilet humor in them? Is the only way you can achieve sexual arousal to rub random items together for hours on end so that you can get to the next Goddamn scene so that a terrible game can finally end?

Then Wet Dreams Don't Dry is for you!

If not, then congratulations! You might still be sane!

Seriously though, don't get this game. It sucks. Personally, I vouch for Magna Cum Laude. It's not perfect, but if you can get past its shitty arcade sequences it's actually pretty well-written and has a decent amount of (3D rendered) nudity. Definitely more worth your time than THIS garbage game. Or, obviously, just play the original Leisure Suit Larry series made by Al Lowe if you haven't already. But if you've played through them all like I have, then MCL isn't a bad way to spend some time.
This should be in the section "reviews"


Luna's Lover
Jun 14, 2017
just awesome, I haven't laughed like that in a long time.
thanks for the game.


Active Member
Jul 14, 2018
For Al Lowe fans:

Al Lowe is starting to sell Source Code for games he worked on and other items from his time at Sierra on E-Bay

Currently the first Two Larry Games are up right now.
Those were the times man. Leisure Sweet Larry, Kings Quest, Police Quest, Space Quest...al those old Sierra games


New Member
Apr 21, 2017
Game is awesome. But there is no porn in for the people wanting to fap to it.
The asian girl is best girl

John McMaster

New Member
Mar 9, 2018
For Al Lowe fans:

Al Lowe is starting to sell Source Code for games he worked on and other items from his time at Sierra on E-Bay

Currently the first Two Larry Games are up right now.
Saw this, very cool to get the original source code from a classic PC game. King's Quest III and Police Quest I code is also going up soon.


I rape lolis with my tentacles
Aug 11, 2017
For Al Lowe fans:

Al Lowe is starting to sell Source Code for games he worked on and other items from his time at Sierra on E-Bay

Currently the first Two Larry Games are up right now.
Holly shit, the bids!!
3.00 star(s) 4 Votes