Unity Completed Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry [CrazyBunch]

3.00 star(s) 4 Votes


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
In the unwritten history of fap games, LSL seems like the "grandfather" or "godfather" of the genre(albeit less explicit).
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Active Member
May 31, 2018
In the unwritten history of fap games, LSL seems like the "grandfather" or "godfather" of the genre(albeit less explicit).
The really impressive thing about LSL--the whole LSL numbered series, really--was that it was released when video gaming was still very niche for adults. Sierra was willing to let Lowe take this huge chance, and maybe he was breaking into a new market, or maybe he was making Sierra a target for the moral guardians. In the end, it really turned out to be neither, because video gaming just wasn't on the radar the way it is today. There wasn't this reachable and large market for folks who wanted adult humor + boobies, but it didn't get Sierra driven out of business, either.

It's difficult for me to picture a major game development house of today getting behind releasing anything as boundary-pushing as LSL was for its day. Look at the flak that Mass Effect got for a kinda-sex-scene, and which the Witcher series never did get. It's not like the morals enforcement guys are any more organized than they were in the old days. Heck, the only major news coverage of the adult video game market that I can even remember was a VERY brief panic about Rapelay that was not only untimely but really petered out afterwards.

The next real "red line" for the big houses to cross would be an actual pornographic game, though, or at least the kind of game where sex is as prominent as it is in the average h-game or game on this site here. In the digital distribution age, perhaps that's not as far-fetched an idea as it was when it was critically important that you stay away from the Walmart-unfriendly AO ESRB category.

I dunno. A retrospective of the adult video game scene would be kinda fascinating to write. Larry'd certainly be the celebrity of the 90s. His descendants of these days, though, would barely register as footnotes.

EDIT: Listen to me talk about LSL1 like I was there for it. I literally just admitted that I wasn't two posts above. Never trust anyone on the internet, folks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
The really impressive thing about LSL--the whole LSL numbered series, really--was that it was released when video gaming was still very niche for adults. Sierra was willing to let Lowe take this huge chance, and maybe he was breaking into a new market, or maybe he was making Sierra a target for the moral guardians. In the end, it really turned out to be neither, because video gaming just wasn't on the radar the way it is today. There wasn't this reachable and large market for folks who wanted adult humor + boobies, but it didn't get Sierra driven out of business, either.

It's difficult for me to picture a major game development house of today getting behind releasing anything as boundary-pushing as LSL was for its day. Look at the flak that Mass Effect got for a kinda-sex-scene, and which the Witcher series never did get. It's not like the morals enforcement guys are any more organized than they were in the old days. Heck, the only major news coverage of the adult video game market that I can even remember was a VERY brief panic about Rapelay that was not only untimely but really petered out afterwards.

The next real "red line" for the big houses to cross would be an actual pornographic game, though, or at least the kind of game where sex is as prominent as it is in the average h-game or game on this site here. In the digital distribution age, perhaps that's not as far-fetched an idea as it was when it was critically important that you stay away from the Walmart-unfriendly AO ESRB category.

I dunno. A retrospective of the adult video game scene would be kinda fascinating to write. Larry'd certainly be the celebrity of the 90s. His descendants of these days, though, would barely register as footnotes.

EDIT: Listen to me talk about LSL1 like I was there for it. I literally just admitted that I wasn't two posts above. Never trust anyone on the internet, folks.
Wikipedia provides kind of a sparse history of adult video games and eroge. The whole genre didn't exist anywhere before 1981, and came into its own(no pun intended) in the 90s in Japan. So, that's less than 40 years. Obviously, graphics have gotten dramatically better since the early days, sufficiently so that even the developer equivalent of "garage bands" can make impressive games.
I think we'll continue to see dabbling at the margins by major gaming houses. They understand their audience is getting older and has an interest in more mature themes. I think you could do a full-blown pornographic game with similar production values to a AAA gaming title, with a relatively modest budget(between half a million and 5 million). The Telltale Games releases don't seem like they cost that much to produce, for example.


Sep 23, 2018
Look at the flak that Mass Effect got for a kinda-sex-scene, and which the Witcher series never did get.
IIRC that was just manufactured drama from someone who hadn't even played the game (and a certain network that likes to stir shit).

I think the US version of Witcher had redesigned sex cards that covered their bits.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2017
EDIT: Listen to me talk about LSL1 like I was there for it. I literally just admitted that I wasn't two posts above. Never trust anyone on the internet, folks.
I was there for it, your musing isn't any less incorrect though.
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Aug 26, 2017
Well I have played Larry II and III when they came out here in europe. I had played Larry I before, but I'm not sure how old it was at the time I first played it. And while Larry was surely a milestone when it comes to graphic adventures, when it comes to erotic content, it's a remake of the 6 year older Softporn adventure. At the time around the first Larry trilogy text adventures and with it adult text adventures seemed to fade away, but Strip Poker games were pretty much a thing. Well from my experiance adult themed games and games with nudity or some erotic content weren't that uncommon from smaller to mid sized european developers, well basically till the rise of steam.


Game Developer
Dec 18, 2017
I was hesitant to be fully on board with this new studio, Crazy Bunch, taking over the wheel of the humorously perverse series, since the last few entires to see this happen were a pretty big let down all things considered. But there was hope, a return to the point-and-click formula and an updated look that might inspire more players to check things out. Sadly, this entry nailed only 1 out of 3 things that makes a Leisure Suit Larry game a Leisure Suit Larry game.

The positive comes in with the story that was pretty much as simple as your average Leisure Suit Larry title offers, but it was chock full of relevant humor that stuck to being about technology and new age life styles and keeping far away from less PC things like politics and religion. Our Larry has awoken after a seemingly long cryogenic nap, where most of everyone who Larry knew is dead and his place in this new age world is questioned. However this doesn't deter Larry who immediately picks up where he left off and goes on the hunt for some tail, and thankfully he's already used to performing miscellaneous tasks to reach that goal because boy does he need to play errand boy this time around.

Larry's main goal is the right-hand woman of Bill Jobs, CEO of Prune, whose technology seems to permeate every aspect of life in this new world. Her name is Faith, and like many other women in Larry's past, her bar is set way out of Larry's reach. To get with this business lady, Larry much achieve a Timber dating app score of 80, but this means he needs to get with as many woman as possible and get the highest rating to earn that score. Assisting Larry, begrudgingly, is Larry's brand new PiPhone and the AI on the phone named Pi. She's likely the closest things Larry will have as a companion, though he doesn't seem to appreciate her as much as I thought he should have.

Which brings me to Larry himself, who not only has an updated look that is far more appealing than his short and fat appearance, but is also far less crude and rude. This is truly a Larry for the 20th century, but in doing this, Crazy Bunch actually trimmed off a key aspect of the games. There's no sex. Now I don't mean to say that Larry is usually getting laid left and right, but in every Leisure Suit Larry game to date, Larry has always gotten the girl in the end. His efforts have always paid off, and that dream girl he was shooting for is wooed. In WDDD though, this new Larry has no such luck. He is denied Faith in the very ending, in what seems like a setup for a sequel by Crazy Bunch. However they might have shot themselves in the foot, as many diehard Leisure Suit Larry fans have complained about this aspect. Not that I agree with everything they brought up, like the animation, which I personally felt was great and did a fine job at making the girls attractive, but when the core audience for this game are all agreeing on this point, it makes you question if Crazy Bunch have the stuff to pull it off.

But that's only two points, what about the third? Well you see Leisure Suit Larry is also a game full of references and easter eggs to other things, but it is also full of secrets, even Magna Cum Laude knew this. WDDD on the other hand did have references, to previous entires and to a lesser extent major worldly events, but it lacked any and all secrets. Not a single things that is meant to be clicked on did not actually serve a plot-line purpose, click around as much as you want but you won't find a single hidden secret that reveals a sexy cutscene, alters a normal scene to be more sensual, or just injects a bit of humor into the environment. Meaning that in the end Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry only successfully achieves 1 out of 3 points of a Leisure Suit Larry game, and because of this I don't know if Crazy Bunch will see the profits to warrant a sequel to this entry.

Be that as it may, I still want to see Larry put to bed for good. His dead end with Lust in Space being lost in the void of Sierra's computers was a punch to the nuts, and the depressing shut down of the remastered series thanks to one asshole's criminal history was a solid kick to the head. So if Crazy Bunch had plans to simply make this new Larry a two parter, then I might be able to look past the fact they messed up by making a Leisure Suit Larry title with no nudity and no secrets. If this new Larry can find the love of his life and find happiness in this new age, I will be a satisfied customer. Until then, Crazy Bunch are on notice.

Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry gets a 6.8 out of 10
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Active Member
May 31, 2018
Larry as a bumbling, sex-obsessed everynerd is really kind of a universal character. You know what I see happening to modern Larry? I see him getting dropped into some bizarre Quantum Leap pastiche, with him ending up in an episodic series that basically dunks him into hour-long parodies of other non-action games.

I guess for some reason, what I really can't get out of my head now the idea of Larry standing up in a courtroom giving some other loser a Phoenix Wright style haranguing pulled more or less completely out of his ass. Sure, it's totally out of character for him to be successful at anything, and it doesn't have anything to do with his motivation as a character. Well, sometimes we all get ridiculous ideas caught in our head.


May 29, 2017
I can't start a new thread, so I can't post the Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded game I have. Here are the links at least:

Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded (Al Lowe) [734.54 MB]



Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2018
I think Love for Sail had an actual sex scene in it, too (but not shown). Gamefaqs says one girl has sex with you if you talk to her about the weather, so that's probably it.
not so easy you have todo some specific stuff to get to these scenes and even collect items (it was very much one of the first psychological achievement ideas) and there are easter eggs based on text inputs as well, charming design decision based on the text adventure start of sierra and a gift for all the older fans :)

but the scenes are never really explicit as many seem to remember them just erotic they never had xxx in them, they where absolutely political correct pre milenials "funny term" in terms of what they shown just hilariously funny and really charming every non extreme fanatical religious women that likes to behead others these days would love them :)
And if this can transfer the same charm it reached their goal that Al Lowe was going for, and just listen to the women in the CrazyBunch team which i think are much more open then a Anita Sarkesian SJW :)

We need to accept both xxx and erotic it's just another form of showing things to the observer

So no sexual content , just blue balls game No THX :sleep:
As said for Al lowe Sexual Content/Erotic was a tool not the purpose we have to learn to accept both and you to enjoy both :)


Mar 5, 2018
these questions are annoying, i dont care about soccer, football, movies and suchs, and im not on american gossips, so its really getting irritating just to try to start a game



New Member
Jul 18, 2017
Good to see the old git Larry is still getting at it but how is this porn? i mean yeah its adult content but a bit too soft to be here IMHO but no hard feelings to good 'ol larry good to see him arround here!


Jun 4, 2017
I just finished the game, and i have to say, that its a decent larry game.
The only thing that dissapoints me its the sexual content, you see one pair of breasts on a statue, if they showed breast in there why did all the nudity in the game was censored by shadows and convenient posing?
i never asked for full on sex, since the joke is that larry never gets laid, but at least show me some boobs!
The characters are appealing and its pretty sad.


Jul 4, 2017
I just finished the game, and i have to say, that its a decent larry game.
The only thing that dissapoints me its the sexual content, you see one pair of breasts on a statue, if they showed breast in there why did all the nudity in the game was censored by shadows and convenient posing?
i never asked for full on sex, since the joke is that larry never gets laid, but at least show me some boobs!
The characters are appealing and its pretty sad.
I said the reason before in this thread, but ya TITS R BAD M"KAY. FFS this world.
3.00 star(s) 4 Votes