I just obversed and wanted to add my perspective.
But the site for Accea went down. The dev can do whatever they want but not communicating about anything is not the best choice either IMO.
The game is obviously in a very early and rough state.
There's times and space of being Public / Transparent, some are counter-productive.
Why open to public who don't know shit about game development, when the game is not ready?
You can already see people being unnecessarily impatient / toxic.
Tho your criticism about the difficulty of using Godot is legit.
Wish the dev is not biting more than they could chew, "have higher celling" doesn't necessarily mean you can to reach it.
There're 3 possible outcome,
The devs is too ambitious for their own good, abandon the whole thing all together;
The game turns out OK but not better than the RPGM counterparts;
The dev is really talented, improving their skills a lot and make a much better game.
I wish it's the 3rd case.
I could of worded it better but a RPG game shouldn't crash after using one attack.
I mean ain't that the point of the Beta? Let players find problems then try to fix them?