Recommending Lesbian Protagonist Games List (My Version)

5.00 star(s) 1 Vote


Jul 25, 2018
Since we have nothing to talk about, what yuri/lesbian game do you play or follow THAT ACTUALLY HAVE GAMEPLAY. No Cheating with "Insert this Visual Novel". I'm honestly interested in what kind of mechanic some people put in a lesbian/yuri game.
Mine is Unholy Arts, Despite being a "Yet another Grinding Game" I can say the character here are pretty solid and interesting, also the grinding affect A LOT of choice you can pick or not so the grind does have a meaning unlike most "Real Life Simulator". Pretty good stuff if I have to say myself. My Favorite route is Domming Val, it is fun to Dom a Dom :D. The only thing I don't like about this is probably how the MC is just a boring human.
Interesting you mention Unholy Arts as an example of a lesbian game with gameplay. I think this is a good example of a game I'd rather have as a visual novel. Or a text-based CYOA.
I like the writing but I hate the gameplay in it. Yes, your choices in how you grind end up mattering but the process is horrid. And it's not just about grinding stats and combat. Conversations, socializing and sex scenes all have mechanics to them and make them all so lame, repetitive and uninteresting. And it's even worse when the mechanics contradict the writing. For example, I was constantly annoyed at how your MC is apparently a bumbling know-it-all in the writing but then, in gameplay, you're having sex with everyone all the time and manipulating them in conversations. It doesn't fit.

For better examples I'd cite Missy and Hex.
Missy has diegetic puzzles as well as combat. Though the combat is pretty flawed, it is being revamped and will hopefully end up working nicely. Aside from that I love the comedy, characters and the world they live in, as messed up as it is.
Hex has satisfying combat and, so far, rather solid writing. But it's still really early so the story hasn't had the time to go anywhere really interesting yet.
Jan 9, 2023
Since we have nothing to talk about, what yuri/lesbian game do you play or follow THAT ACTUALLY HAVE GAMEPLAY. No Cheating with "Insert this Visual Novel". I'm honestly interested in what kind of mechanic some people put in a lesbian/yuri game.
Mine is Unholy Arts, Despite being a "Yet another Grinding Game" I can say the character here are pretty solid and interesting, also the grinding affect A LOT of choice you can pick or not so the grind does have a meaning unlike most "Real Life Simulator". Pretty good stuff if I have to say myself. My Favorite route is Domming Val, it is fun to Dom a Dom :D. The only thing I don't like about this is probably how the MC is just a boring human.
Blood Biter Beatdown's "gameplay" was surprisingly enjoyable. Despite being extremely rudimentary, it serves its purpose, helping you imagine the ridiculous, over-the-top, action-movie-esque fight scenes your choices create.

Hardcoded has a neat little coffee-making minigame, but it probably has too many girldicks for your taste.

Ero Dungeons probably has the best gameplay out of any porn game I ever played. Despite at its core being a Darkest Dungeon reap-off, it tries a lot of new things and surprises me with new, innovative features with nearly every update. I'm not even really into the stuff; I just play it for fun.

All in all, have yet to see a game successfully balancing being a lesbian porn game and an actual game.

Oh, and sorry, but I have to agree with GreenDark. I dropped Unholy Arts the moment the gameplay started.
Jun 7, 2018
Hmmm maybe I'm just a weirdo that like how Sex is a stupidly hilarious Dom battle, eh fair fair. A Dom that want to Dom other Dom is quite rare... I think. I will say that it gives you off a real sort of fight over dominance than most other game sex scene which is why i love it. And I'm an RPG Maker and SRPG Fans so Grinding is something normal for me I guess. There is also Strive for Power, Strive for Conquest with a Sex Scene but ehhh I feels like I have too much control with the Sex Scene, there is nothing new there except repeating gameplay to raise affection. And in Lilith Throne... Sex is just "Win/Lose Scene" and a way to gain crafting material which is pretty meh.

I'm the type of weirdo that like to push and get pushed, If I can top them it is fun for me and if they can top me then it is fun too.
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Jul 25, 2018
Hmmm maybe I'm just a weirdo that like how Sex is a stupidly hilarious Dom battle, eh fair fair. A Dom that want to Dom other Dom is quite rare... I think. I will say that it gives you off a real sort of fight over dominance than most other game sex scene which is why i love it. And I'm an RPG Maker and SRPG Fans so Grinding is something normal for me I guess. There is also Strive for Power, Strive for Conquest with a Sex Scene but ehhh I feels like I have too much control with the Sex Scene, there is nothing new there except repeating gameplay to raise affection. And in Lilith Throne... Sex is just "Win/Lose Scene" and a way to gain crafting material which is pretty meh.

I'm the type of weirdo that like to push and get pushed, If I can top them it is fun for me and if they can top me then it is fun too.
Those are all fair reasons to like it. I just think all of that could be achieved in a less cluttered, grindy and writing-intrusive way.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Many developers underestimate how trivial it is to code a sandbox environment for any engine whatsoever - letting the player decide the way they want to play the game.

Of course, it requires a lot of testing, but an actual developer attempts to test every single possibility they can think of and have people test what they won't think of, which is usually a lot regardless of how long they've been at it. People can be extremely creative on how they play/break (either accidentally or deliberately) a game and people can also have unexpected fun (or things that really make the game annoying).

Testing and putting yourself in your audience's shoes while forgetting you made it helps you find if your game will or won't click. If you didn't enjoy it because of something, you just have to ask yourself if it's an user problem or a concept problem.

Just a few example for RPGs since I think that was the topic.

Too much dialogue? Add skips and auto-forward, use logs and notes for important info (or just if someone wants to re-read things later, once they're done with the main goal, in the case of a RPG, for example - flavor dialogue is good but it'll slow things down, have the NPCs get to the point and be funny but not lame, extra stuff for talking to them is the extra detail but it must not be a mandatory read). Too much combat? Reduce encounter frequency, change to combat on contact (this is a preferred way as the player can either go berserk and run into everything or casually go past).

Boss battles too hard? Add some quick and witty ways to win the battle for very underleveled people, and for extra challenge, randomize them so people will have even more fun coming up with their own ways instead of following a walkthrough. Make it relatively obvious but not too obvious, it's good for it to be fun or unexpected if you can make it that way.

Item drops are a pain? Treasure chests. Unexpected findings. Hidden locations. Secret areas. Give people who don't want to grind a chance to find something if they put the effort but have terrible luck. Alternately, you can guarantee drops just like a pity gacha does if your audience is intended to be grinders, or if there's a funny advantage to grinding (hidden dialogue, unexpected encounters - you name it, it's your game, be creative).

Mini-games too hard? Put yourself in the shoes of someone who absolutely can't solve a puzzle for their lives and try to solve them. Fix what appears to be way too hard, don't make it too easy, make it intuitive but challenging and fun to solve. Mini-games should be optional and add a fun element of sorts. If they're mandatory, you have to ensure everyone can solve them in a timely manner without having to rely on a guide, but it's a good thing if they have to think. If it's too easy, it'll be boring. If it's too long, it'll ruin the game.

I could go on and rant about every other aspect, but you get the point. Have common sense, play and test as the end user. Forget you made that game. Behave as candidly as possible, and once it's stable and comfortable to test, have other people try it too because you obviously won't be able to get a feel of how everyone else will see it. Have them tell you everything about their experience, what they ran into, what they hated, what could be done better. You don't have to make the best game ever - you won't. Make a game you would enjoy yourself. Show people you want the game to be something worth playing and you want to work hard on it. And if others end up liking it too, then that's just a bonus.

(RMMV/RMMZ games are almost all open and moddable, the engine runs in JavaScript while being fed JSON and it's pretty intuitive - even though it has some massive flaws - which makes it accessible to almost everyone including people who haven't touched code. It's actually quite easy to revamp a game that sucks because of a few oversights, it all depends on whether the entire game was made in a lazy way or it's just a few things that completely ruin the experience for a good bunch of people.)

For HTML games, well, that's even easier. Documentation is all over the place, you just have to look a bit.

...Now if I could apply my logic to my own posts, that would be wonderful, wouldn't it? :sneaky:
Jan 9, 2023
Hmmm maybe I'm just a weirdo that like how Sex is a stupidly hilarious Dom battle, eh fair fair. A Dom that want to Dom other Dom is quite rare... I think. I will say that it gives you off a real sort of fight over dominance than most other game sex scene which is why i love it. And I'm an RPG Maker and SRPG Fans so Grinding is something normal for me I guess. There is also Strive for Power, Strive for Conquest with a Sex Scene but ehhh I feels like I have too much control with the Sex Scene, there is nothing new there except repeating gameplay to raise affection. And in Lilith Throne... Sex is just "Win/Lose Scene" and a way to gain crafting material which is pretty meh.

I'm the type of weirdo that like to push and get pushed, If I can top them it is fun for me and if they can top me then it is fun too.
Yeah, that's extremely valid. I really liked Monster Girl Dreams for a similar reason. Unfortunately, it's a male protag game, and while the narration is in the second person (so not a lot of gendered pronouns), you don't really ever see yourself, and the MC is not the traditional manly man; it still gut punches you every once in a while. I can't believe no one has made a female protag mode yet.

Many developers underestimate how trivial it is to code a sandbox environment for any engine whatsoever - letting the player decide the way they want to play the game.

Of course, it requires a lot of testing, but an actual developer attempts to test every single possibility they can think of and have people test what they won't think of, which is usually a lot regardless of how long they've been at it. People can be extremely creative on how they play/break (either accidentally or deliberately) a game and people can also have unexpected fun (or things that really make the game annoying).

Testing and putting yourself in your audience's shoes while forgetting you made it helps you find if your game will or won't click. If you didn't enjoy it because of something, you just have to ask yourself if it's an user problem or a concept problem.

Just a few example for RPGs since I think that was the topic.

Too much dialogue? Add skips and auto-forward, use logs and notes for important info (or just if someone wants to re-read things later, once they're done with the main goal, in the case of a RPG, for example - flavor dialogue is good but it'll slow things down, have the NPCs get to the point and be funny but not lame, extra stuff for talking to them is the extra detail but it must not be a mandatory read). Too much combat? Reduce encounter frequency, change to combat on contact (this is a preferred way as the player can either go berserk and run into everything or casually go past).

Boss battles too hard? Add some quick and witty ways to win the battle for very underleveled people, and for extra challenge, randomize them so people will have even more fun coming up with their own ways instead of following a walkthrough. Make it relatively obvious but not too obvious, it's good for it to be fun or unexpected if you can make it that way.

Item drops are a pain? Treasure chests. Unexpected findings. Hidden locations. Secret areas. Give people who don't want to grind a chance to find something if they put the effort but have terrible luck. Alternately, you can guarantee drops just like a pity gacha does if your audience is intended to be grinders, or if there's a funny advantage to grinding (hidden dialogue, unexpected encounters - you name it, it's your game, be creative).

Mini-games too hard? Put yourself in the shoes of someone who absolutely can't solve a puzzle for their lives and try to solve them. Fix what appears to be way too hard, don't make it too easy, make it intuitive but challenging and fun to solve. Mini-games should be optional and add a fun element of sorts. If they're mandatory, you have to ensure everyone can solve them in a timely manner without having to rely on a guide, but it's a good thing if they have to think. If it's too easy, it'll be boring. If it's too long, it'll ruin the game.

I could go on and rant about every other aspect, but you get the point. Have common sense, play and test as the end user. Forget you made that game. Behave as candidly as possible, and once it's stable and comfortable to test, have other people try it too because you obviously won't be able to get a feel of how everyone else will see it. Have them tell you everything about their experience, what they ran into, what they hated, what could be done better. You don't have to make the best game ever - you won't. Make a game you would enjoy yourself. Show people you want the game to be something worth playing and you want to work hard on it. And if others end up liking it too, then that's just a bonus.

(RMMV/RMMZ games are almost all open and moddable, the engine runs in JavaScript while being fed JSON and it's pretty intuitive - even though it has some massive flaws - which makes it accessible to almost everyone including people who haven't touched code. It's actually quite easy to revamp a game that sucks because of a few oversights, it all depends on whether the entire game was made in a lazy way or it's just a few things that completely ruin the experience for a good bunch of people.)

For HTML games, well, that's even easier. Documentation is all over the place, you just have to look a bit.

...Now if I could apply my logic to my own posts, that would be wonderful, wouldn't it? :sneaky:
Lol, cool rant. Not really what we were talking about, but interesting nonetheless. I have been helping a friend of mine playtest his game recently; it really is a lot of trying to break the game and gauging what parts are too difficult or too easy. I always get a long sigh accompanied by a mournful "thanks" whenever I find something he needs to fix.
Feb 6, 2020
I typically don't trust games that are heavy on gameplay because my computer is a potato and let's be honest none of these fuckers can afford QA testers.

Anyways, is once again the rare exception. Loren is fine and I haven't gotten around to Planet Stronghold yet because I lost my shit at the title screen after realizing it has its own theme song. Shit, maybe if they have theme song money they have QA money...


Jul 28, 2021
All I know is that I have found an abandoned game that honestly shouldn't have been abandoned.
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Its silly and funny to me in all the right ways and I'm amiditly a bit upset that they came up with croco monster girl before me, at this point though I just wish they would release the game.
Jun 7, 2018
I typically don't trust games that are heavy on gameplay because my computer is a potato and let's be honest none of these fuckers can afford QA testers.

Anyways, is once again the rare exception. Loren is fine and I haven't gotten around to Planet Stronghold yet because I lost my shit at the title screen after realizing it has its own theme song. Shit, maybe if they have theme song money they have QA money...
Winter Wolves is not bad but everytime there is is a hot girl it get genderlocked. Like I remember the Dryad is hot there. Some of their female protag is also too tomboy looking for me.
For another interesting lesbian/yuri game with mechanic... I guess Lust Doll is pretty great too, 10/10 would handhold Rinny. But ehhh, the update is very slow on that one.

Another honorable mention might be... Free Cities Preg Mods... I find it amusing... Such a shame I can't make a Matriarchy there and say "Fuck you" to world order. The best thing you could do there is to make Futanari Booming.

RIMWORLD: *Standing there Menacingly*
Me: "No Rimworld No! You are not a Lesbian/Yuri Game!
Me: "Ok, the Ice Cream Slime Girl shall kiss the Thicc Succubus Lady with Nun Outfit and they shall do Snu-Snu while the Bloodthirsty Fox Girl is raping the Thicc Seakin Girl war prisoner that we mentally scarred."
*One of my Modded Rimworld playthrough in Nutshell*
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
I have been helping a friend of mine playtest his game recently; it really is a lot of trying to break the game and gauging what parts are too difficult or too easy. I always get a long sigh accompanied by a mournful "thanks" whenever I find something he needs to fix.
Heh, yeah, I forgot to mention the fixing part isn't supposed to be fun. Glad to see more people who take coordinated playtesting very seriously, it tremendously helps with development when done right.
All I know is that I have found an abandoned game that honestly shouldn't have been abandoned.
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Its silly and funny to me in all the right ways and I'm amiditly a bit upset that they came up with croco monster girl before me, at this point though I just wish they would release the game.
I had a little cuteness overload here... She's adorable.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Im surprised hasn't been added yet. it's one of those exclusively yuri game.
90°C (yes Celsius, not Fahrenheit) on my potato, never lucky with fans and cooling in general. Unless I need a surprise facelift, I'll have to pass. That's a shame, looked good for 3D and also funny...

Thanks for the game suggestion though, I've seen it advertised over the years but suspected it would be a 3D engine, so no can run. MrWrapture commissions such nice yuri BDSM art (also a lot of foot fetish content for people who like this kind of stuff).
Any reason why Monster Girls You-ki Chan ain't on the list? Saw it mentioned in this thread already. All female side-scroller/platformer are very rare
I was almost sure that one was on it... Maybe it was on Oni's list?


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Sorry for the double post but I think (still being developed on Ci-en) really deserves a mention. Most magical girl games are filled with dicks and monsters. There are tentacles, yes, but no dicks and no males spotted either.

Very nice MTL project here - a much better proofread multipass machine translation than lazy human translations.

If you aren't into pain, it might not be for you. Being a magical girl is suffering anyway, everyone knows it's part of the fun.
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Jan 14, 2018
Can second that Luna's extremely good, if you're into what it's into. The translation is very good, from what I played (which I think was midway through chapter 3 or 4, when that was the end of manual translation). I think that there's only one tentacle monster in one part of the main game (the stuffed bear thing that grabs Luna inside if she attacks wrong), although there could be more in the bad end dungeon (which I think has more enemies than the rest of the game combined).

I absolutely love that it actually plays with fight mechanics, sometimes throws out some interesting enemies that take a little more thought than usual to beat, and often plays out the initial defeat scene for a while within the fight and with some chance to escape. It's definitely made by someone that's a fan of torturing the protagonist a bit, but doesn't stray into grimderpy shit (except maybe in the previously mentioned bad end dungeon). Also like that she's slim-built but doesn't come off as a loli tbh.

I only really have two complaints about the game. First is maybe related to it being pretty lesbian-friendly, in that there's just not a lot of actual sex - like, someone actively fucking the protag, rather than just messing with her. Second is that it maybe does a little too much to take the edge off of some scenes. And maybe a surprise third - it being in limbo over whether it's getting an official english translation has made me dither over whether to buy the original or wait for the translation, in case that's put up as a separate game.


Aug 6, 2017
Interesting you mention Unholy Arts as an example of a lesbian game with gameplay. I think this is a good example of a game I'd rather have as a visual novel. Or a text-based CYOA.
Very much disagree, Unholy Arts has one of the most interesting and challenging systems around. And that's pretty much all it has since release. I'm, of course, assuming everybody is trying to play dominant. To play sub you literally don't have to do anything.
Jun 7, 2018
Very much disagree, Unholy Arts has one of the most interesting and challenging systems around. And that's pretty much all it has since release. I'm, of course, assuming everybody is trying to play dominant. To play sub you literally don't have to do anything.
TO BE FAIR, Gaslighting Miiri the super nice plant girl to be more dominant is fun too. Corrupting Da Innocent to be Dom and Domming a Dom to be a Sub. My Goal is beyond understanding!!!
I'm still pissed that MC need to be Human, Dragonkin MC where we can use tail to fuck when?
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5.00 star(s) 1 Vote