
Sep 13, 2022
Step 1: complete or miss every event from before .33
Step 2: wait for Saturday

If it won't trigger, you have events to complete from before .33 so check your logs.
Think you also have to get someone's lust up or something? Can't remember who. Boy am I helpful...


Jun 22, 2020
Btw, I'm not 100% sure, but it seems like Rin has subconsciously noticed the loops/reset stuff like Tsuneyo:
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There's her zoning out a few times and having weird head zap shit when she was at the coffee which made her drop a cup she was going to serve. I think one of the scenes where she cut herself came after that and she said she did it because she wasn't feeling like herself, which might be related


Active Member
Jun 20, 2018
Looking back at Nao-chan's heartwarming interaction with Tsuneyo made me think.

if the characters were to actually give birth and raise their children.. who would be a good mother and who would be a bad mother?

Since tier lists started not a long while ago why not add the "MotherMom" tier list?
Ok fine, here is my possible mom tier list:
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Kitty Hawk

Jul 8, 2020
Looking back at Nao-chan's heartwarming interaction with Tsuneyo made me think.

if the characters were to actually give birth and raise their children.. who would be a good mother and who would be a bad mother?

Since tier lists started not a long while ago why not add the "MotherMom" tier list?
Here you go
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Nov 16, 2019
Man, after I accepted and got kinda desensitized to the darkest depths of this game, the thing I think is the most absolutely gut wrenching is not being able to tell Sana you're sleeping with Sara like you can with Karin about Kirin. It's so clearly a setup for awful things to come, especially with how clingy she's getting and now she's openly coming onto us and I just really wish we could have been up front with her the first time she asked, because now that we're this far in, it's going to be so painful when she finally confirms it directly.
Same with Chika, actually. I feel like honesty and directness wouldn't have hurt her, certainly not as much as it's going to now that we're in this deep of letting her think/delude herself into thinking that Sensei is exclusive with her. Even poor Yumi seems to think so as well if you carefully dodge the nodoka scene...

I can handle the worst this game has to offer, but something about Sensei digging himself into these incredibly deep holes, is genuinely so painful to watch, especially since there's a good chance they already know and are just quietly playing along while constantly getting hurt knowing that Sensei is lying to them
Im not so sure Chika is as innocent as its made out. I think she just pretends to herself they are exclusive, and its already been hinted that she may be open to 3 ways (as talked here by others). In some ways I think Chika represents those people who say one thing out loud but behind closed doors live another. I may be reading too much in to it ha


Nov 14, 2017
Ok fine, here is my possible mom tier list:
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Here you go
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Reminder that Ami asked Sensei, while having sex, if Sensei would want to fuck their daughter as well if she were to have one. I'll grant that he couldn't decide which answer she wanted to hear, but that's pretty fucking suspect.


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Looking back at Nao-chan's heartwarming interaction with Tsuneyo made me think.

if the characters were to actually give birth and raise their children.. who would be a good mother and who would be a bad mother?

Since tier lists started not a long while ago why not add the "MotherMom" tier list?
My "MotherMom" standards are probably a little odd:
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I didn't include those who have confirmed human children, or are literally children/apparently children (Nao-chan).

Edit: If anyone's interested, as for the Actual Moms:
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Reminder that Ami asked Sensei, while having sex, if Sensei would want to fuck their daughter as well if she were to have one. I'll grant that he couldn't decide which answer she wanted to hear, but that's pretty fucking suspect.
To be fair, I doubt Ami would force it upon her kid either way. Now, Nodoka on the other hand, Idk. I can see her indoctrinating her daughter or son into an effed up lifestyle just because she wants to. Nodoka is the "incest girl", and she definitely has a... unique mindset:
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Active Member
Jun 20, 2018
Reminder that Ami asked Sensei, while having sex, if Sensei would want to fuck their daughter as well if she were to have one. I'll grant that he couldn't decide which answer she wanted to hear, but that's pretty fucking suspect.
Yeah man, pity I couldn't put her higher since I didn't want to put the others lower.
  • Haha
Reactions: DeSkel15


Jul 14, 2018
It surprised me that so many people are putting Ami at the top of the list when it comes to motherhood. She's already proven to be abusive, cruel, and manipulative to her friends, and that's not a good sign of how she's going to treat a child. She's probably the only one I'd believe would actually harm her kid. She seems like the type who would love the kid at first but eventually see the younger version of herself as competition, whether or not anything is happening between the kid and Sensei.

Of course, this is all going off the fact that I believe Ami's an absolute psycho. And my anger at all of you for not putting Imani where she belongs at the top of the list. So my opinion could be extremely biased.
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
It surprised me that so many people are putting Ami at the top of the list when it comes to motherhood. She's already proven to be abusive, cruel, and manipulative to her friends, and that's not a good sign of how she's going to treat a child. She's probably the only one I'd believe would actually harm her kid. She seems like the type who would love the kid at first but eventually see the younger version of herself as competition, whether or not anything is happening between the kid and Sensei.
To be fair, Ami's friends kind of suck and she's never actually harmed someone (unlike Ayane or Otoha or Yumi, etc). She is probably one of the last people I see getting actually physical (Big reason I think Psycho Ami was always BS).

Ami's actually kind of sweet when she isn't feeling threatened:
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Just everyone is usually either judging her or trying to cuck her.

Honestly, having a kid would probably help her at this point. She'd have family besides Sensei, and wouldn't be so terrified of being abandoned. Not to mention, she's proven she can cook, clean, and work, so that puts her above most of the girls already imo.
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Feb 10, 2018
Even if Ami is not a psycho, she still seems to be anything but normal. As long as we don't know exactly what she is, I wouldn't want her anywhere near a kid. Also, it's good a mother can clean and cook but honestly, the father should help too. A good mother (in my non conservative traditional view) would make sure that's the dynamic inside the house, as well as teaching their kids (girls and boys) how to do their chores. Something I very much doubt Ami would do. She would be overprotective and doing everything.

I mean, she cleans and cooks but for all of the wrong reasons. She does it so she can control Sensei and make him totally dependant on her. Not good mommy traits imo. But hey, this is all subjective of course. People will have different views on motherhood. I'm just glad my mom taught me how to cook so I don't live on takeaway food :ROFLMAO:.

And shit, I forgot about Imani! She should be in my Good Mom Tier. Or maybe create a "Cool Mother" tier just for her.
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Active Member
Apr 24, 2021
It surprised me that so many people are putting Ami at the top of the list when it comes to motherhood. She's already proven to be abusive, cruel, and manipulative to her friends, and that's not a good sign of how she's going to treat a child. She's probably the only one I'd believe would actually harm her kid. She seems like the type who would love the kid at first but eventually see the younger version of herself as competition, whether or not anything is happening between the kid and Sensei.

Of course, this is all going off the fact that I believe Ami's an absolute psycho. And my anger at all of you for not putting Imani where she belongs at the top of the list. So my opinion could be extremely biased.
Despite my dropping affinity for Ami after each update, I do think being abusive, cruel, and manipulative can miraculously co-exist with being a good mother at least in the fictional setting (if you factor in serving as a bad example to your children then it's a different story).

Ami's branded belief "Nothing matters but this person" is a type of servitude highly prioritized to the person she loves, a necessary feature for being a good mother. Her subject now is Sensei, but it's likely expandable from Sensei to her future incest baby. She is willing and capable of providing unrequited services while showing no apparent distaste to kids; so I think at least this part Ami should receive her credits. However, it's indeed still up for debate whether it is truly unrequited, as we know now Ami even has extended her manipulative methods on Sensei more than once to keep him around and dependent.

Being a bad friend is merely a side effect, or an expansion of that "Nothing matters but this person" attitude (of course as her friends or from player perspective that's not merely at all).

The only example I can think of which may be relatable is Cersei Lannister from GoT, someone who excels in all bad human traits but also will stop at nothing for her children (whether Cersei is a good mother or not is something worth debating, but hopefully I get my point across)

With all that being said, however, do I want Ami to be my mom? FUCK NO! I want Touka!
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Even if Ami is not a psycho, she still seems to be anything but normal. As long as we don't know exactly what she is, I wouldn't want her anywhere near a kid. Also, it's good a mother can clean and cook but honestly, the father should help too. A good mother (in my non conservative traditional view) would make sure that's the dynamic inside the house, as well as teaching their kids (girls and boys) how to do their chores. Something I very much doubt Ami would do. She would be overprotective and doing everything.

I mean, she cleans and cooks but for all of the wrong reasons. She does it so she can control Sensei and make him dependant on her. Not good mommy traits imo. But hey, this is all subjective of course. People will have different views on motherhood. I'm just glad my mom taught me how to cook so I don't live on takeaway food :ROFLMAO:.

And shit, I forgot about Imani! She should be in my Good Mom Tier. Or maybe create a "Cool Mother" tier just for her.
Ami is definitely "broken":
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I mean she did literally watch her parents die:
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I think it's literally split her personality in two, and she doesn't entirely realize it, which is why she can go from sweet to scary, like nothing.

It's probably the main reason I rate her under the likes of Uta.

Still, she's managed to take care of a grown man since she was 7:
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Despite how messed up she was, and is presumably trying to be less clingy:
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I do think she'd treat her own kid differently than she has Sensei though. Sensei's a fucking mess:
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That Ami's kind of just had to deal with to the point her Identity revolves around him.

I definitely agree on the father/mother thing though. Both should be able to at least take care of themselves, before even thinking about forcing a kid into existence. I personally can't see Sensei being worth a shit though, so the mom is going to have to pick up the slack by default. If the father is someone decent though, then them both being able to cook, clean, etc, will be optimal.

Honestly, I wanted to rate Imani higher, but her not liking kids made that virtually impossible:
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On top of her living in a box, and I'm not sure if she can cook, etc.. "Passable" might be me being a little biased since I like her. Imani strikes me more as the "Cool Aunt" of the cast. Auntie Imani.

Kitty Hawk

Jul 8, 2020
It surprised me that so many people are putting Ami at the top of the list when it comes to motherhood. She's already proven to be abusive, cruel, and manipulative to her friends, and that's not a good sign of how she's going to treat a child. She's probably the only one I'd believe would actually harm her kid. She seems like the type who would love the kid at first but eventually see the younger version of herself as competition, whether or not anything is happening between the kid and Sensei.

Of course, this is all going off the fact that I believe Ami's an absolute psycho. And my anger at all of you for not putting Imani where she belongs at the top of the list. So my opinion could be extremely biased.
Ami's motherhood would probably be a lot like her own childhood with Sekai imo, we got some information that she pretended to be the good girl and I guess played kind of a perfect family spectacle for Ami, so that she didn't truly know what kind of debauchery happens behind the closed doors, and so talks highly of her parents, while blacking out Sensei tries to warn her about this.

I can see Ami trying to replicate this kind of family from a pure heart and love for her child, and she will probably love it even more then she does Sensei too, though not in sexual way of course. But she wouldn't also be against this kind of relations if said offspring will fall in love with Sensei.

We don't know Sekai's plans on Ami, but getting all the stuff about her perversions and Nodoka references, I think she also wouldn't be against Ami and Sensei sleeping together. But I doubt that they would push their daughters if they won't be interested in that, and Sensei wouldn't participate either, at least the guy we know right now.

And yes, as noted, Ami is already a kind of overprotective mother for Sensei, with all the necessary skills for housekeeping and stuff. And has experience caring about vegetable Sensei who was a lot like a toddler in that manner.
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Feb 10, 2018
I personally can't see Sensei being worth a shit though, so the mom is going to have to pick up the slack by default. If the father is someone decent though, then them both being able to cook, clean, etc, will be optimal.
Oh yeah, this is important to clarify, when I think of them as mothers I'm taking Sensei completely out of the picture, because he makes everyone worse.

"Cool aunt" does seem to be a great description of Imani. I totally forgot about that line, but yeah she is good around teenagers but it doesn't mean is the same with little kids.
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