Ren'Py - Lessons in Love [v0.44.0] [Selebus]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    by far my favorite game to play
    100% recommend people to play and enjoy everything this game as to offer
    cannot wait to see how far this game goes and will happily be waiting for every update
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing plain and simple. The characters all have a life of their own. The Story lines are well written and will make you cum back for more. You will fall in love with at least one of the characters if not all of them. Plus there is a lot of Psychological thinking in this game that will make you question your sanity but It adds to the the complexity of this story. This game is not one of those to pass up.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    [0.3.0] The world of Kumon-Mi (ha!) is populated with a cast of cute students each with their unique personalities and traits. Their teacher (that's you!) can get familiar, acquainted and personal with each and everyone of them! The story is intriguing, the characters are well written, and with twists and turns around every corner, you wouldn't know what to expect! Are you tired? Not after this lively game! You like Christmas decorations? Who doesn't! How does that relate? Doesn't matter! Make sure you have dental insurance and watch your teeth, because the characters in this game is so sweet, you won't be able to resist! Pre-order now at gamestop!
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Munta kun

    You know when people joke that they watch porn for the plot? Well game has a fucking plot. I really want to see what happens next with the main plot and all the side plots with the girls. These girls look good (not some 3DCG abomination like other games) and you might even start to care for some of them. I played it on Android and it was ran perfectly fine, no stuttering or wonky UI choices that mess up on mobile. Also the only bug I found, the dev knows about and is going to fix in the next release.

    Actually a great game
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely worth trying even if you're not into anime theme. This one is a lot more different than the ones you saw before. Definitely a new, deep and enjoyable experience. I can't wait to see the finished work. I'm sure Selebus is trying his/her best to make progress.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game one of the few games that i actually stopped to read all the dialogue. Its funny i like the characters the only con i can think of is the fact that its still early in the development gave me a good couple of hours of fun. I hope the next thing the Dev adds is someway to track the different girls levels and maybe an option for hints of what to do to unlock new scenes! (Ver .2)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Like i said in the comments... came here for the girls desing and the porn..
    Stayed for the wholesome and creepy story and characters.
    Rin best girl, and must be protected.
    The english is really good and easy to understand for a non-english person.
    The narrative is excellent, and it actually makes you worry for some of the characters.
    Not gonna mention the "????" events... its worth it to investigate how to unlock and see them.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I got the game only a few days ago but is really incredible! All of the girls so fun to be around (Rin especially) and the story/lore drags you in! The game kept my attention for like 3 days on end at least even with my ADD so I can say that this is easily my favorite visual novel ever! (Hi Selebus)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellently written characters and dialogue really make this game stand out. The girls are all unique individuals, not just sex dolls waiting to get fucked by the protagonist. Their interactions with you are good and feel organic, but when they get together in the classroom scenes it really goes next level. I actually laughed out loud , not many games do that for me.

    The visual art is of above average quality with a pleasing color palette.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting game. When I downloaded 0.1 a while ago I just thought it was some kind of isekai wish fulfillment fantasy with instances of strangely flowery writing. Playing it now, it's actually kind of dark and uncomfortable at times, like when you go from fingerbanging your niece to a weird horror scene lampshading how fucked up that is. At this point I'm kinda suspicious all the fluff is just there so it'll hit harder when the game just goes full horror.

    Still, Futaba best girl. She's adorable and I like how she seems to be a bit plump; you rarely see that in eroge.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Started this game due to liking how the characters looked. came away loving the story and the world.

    The story is both funny and engaging, the characters are all interesting and the overall plot is interesting.

    Id say only lacking bit so far, is very few animations (as of 0.3.0) and since there is a fairly large cast of characters the progressions for each is spread thing a bit.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I'd rather not write a review because my vocabulary is not good enough and doesn't allow me to express myself as I'd like to.
    However this game and developer are so good that I have to do it, to help giving them visibility.

    So about this game, the scenario and dialogues are straight the most interesting and original I've seen in F95, I mean it literally. The dialogues are so satisfying and entertaining, they don't feel too long, not too short, not awkward(I've seen to many awkward dialogues on porn games that I used to simply skip them and only watch scenes.. This game is one of the few I don't skip any single one). Author breaks the 4th wall in a pleasantly humored manner, but all of that is subjective.

    The game has a few spooky scenes, and is mysterious as you don't know where and why you're exactly here, and in this body.
    2 or 3 scenes could be categorized as little jumpscares, but do not worry they are not very scary, it made me feel like doki doki but in less scary so don't worry much, if anything they add some spice to the game. You will not be traumatized neither don't worry. It's a very few scenes so it's not annoying.
    Expect some depressing scenes. And considering how it's going on, it may feel more depressing in the future. The way this theme is depicted don't feel exaggerated or rushed tho.

    - The differents girls characters are all differents(personality wise), I guess it's to please as many people as possible. I liked all of them except 2, because they feel very differents from one another, it's not repetitive, and they all have interesting scenes(not talking about H-scenes as there ain't many of them in the game yet)

    - Mmh about the art, I'm not all over it but it's ok I guess. I liked the backgrounds.

    - What I feel lacking is the amount of renders during the few H-scenes. What is happening during these scenes is explained in the dialogue box, but I feel like more renders to actually depict them would be welcome..

    As I'm writing this I just feel like I want to emphasize on the fact I extremely enjoyed the dialogues with the differents characters, they're so satisfying and well made, we're all differents but I'm pretty sure you will like them !

    That's it, I will edit this in case I forgot something, I hope it's not too clunky.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    well what can i say? after playing for about 5 hours i can say that the game is well worth the time. the characters have great personality and it doesn't seem forced or awkward nor does it seem like cookie cutter type characters either. the writing is phenomenal and extremely enjoyable, there was not a moment that felt like a chore to get through.

    characters are great with great personalities.
    great writing with occasional 4th wall breaking both of the subtle and not subtle variety.
    pretty good amount of content.
    the slight 'horror' aspect was done really well and was not too much.

    a couple minor things like no gallery option but thats to be expected this early on.
    one thing i wished for while playing is for the ability to more quickly pass time through the day, i got to the point where i did all the events during the morning and afternoon but still had a quite a few that needed to be done at night. (although that could be due to me spending time on a couple girls not knowing that i completed all their events already)
    and the worst of all, a want for more.

    tl;dr: give it a try, im sure you wont be disappointed.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    What can i say about this one, theres alot of new devs out the last 6 months doing great work and this is 1 of my New New favs. I dont play all updates on most games , usually wait 6 months or more but i have been playing the updates on this one. (last update had 1 hour of play time)

    Fun comes to mind, its fun, i like it. Renders are good , girls are fun and hot and they have there own little quirks about them and oh ya theres a little mystery going on in the game. Looking forward to more and if you are thinking about playing this, do it.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is simple but shows a lot of promise, it already has a great cast of characters, good writing with humor, the character design is good considering the simple graphics and the story is interesting with its subtle nods that something bigger is happening behind the scenes but mainly focuses on the interactions between the main cast. Overall for an early release, it has already a lot going for it and I wish luck to the dev in the development of the game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I rarely make reviews but I am making this one because the game has a lot of potential from what I have seen in 0.2.0 with good writing, good character models, good graphics and an intriguing plot. Im gonna give it a very high rating because it is a great start and I encourage others to take note of this game and to encourage the developer to not give up with this project. The 4th wall breaking was a pleasant surprise and the plot keeps smacking you in the face like there is a deeper element or secrets to this fictional universe that I definitely want to uncover
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This project actually has good writing, I was very pleasantly surprised.

    It is a bit offbeat but it is charming and enjoyable, you can feel the effort and inspiration put into it.
    A real gem when compared to most of the lifeless games these communities can sometimes churn out.
    Nice renders and a good amount of content, eager to see how it will develop over time.

    Definitely one of the more interesting games on here, and a new personal favourite of mine. :)
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Artyom Reaper

    The more I got into this game the more I started realizing that the developer is starting to do what the developers of Innocent Witches have started doing, they're extending the games by "revamping" earlier parts of it. I'm not gonna accuse them of it, but considering they're making a hefty sum on patreon it seems really suspiscious they're navigating in a direction that extends the work time on these projects. This is disappointing. Also, I only really got into this game for Futaba and there's barely any content for her. He says that he's going back and changing things like her and other girl's stories as they feel rushed, but in all honestly they actually feel kind of slow in progression. You have so much to do in the story and must satisfy every girl's requirements before progressing on the ones you're actually interested in. I get the whole premise of this game is that it isn't your regular sim, much in the light of DDLC, but this is kind of ridiculous and feels shady. Also, you can tell the developer is young, like they were in high school or just out of high school when they started this as a lot of things referenced or used in this game relate to books and topics usually introduced to high schoolers. I should know, I graduated high school not long ago. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's hard to see some of he topics and themes discussed as deep as they appear when I started realizing this. Hopefully I'm wrong and all of this isn't actually the case but I'm keeping my rating at this for the time being.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The jokes and humor in this game is hilarious! All the characters are unique to there own; that is what i like about these games and for it being only 0.1.0 there is so much content!! Its also very polished and clean no bugs in my play through. The story is very intriguing its been done before, but not with these settings and environment. This is one of the few games on F95 i can NOT wait for!! If you liked it like me please support them on their patreon. ;)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow perfect launch of a game if I've ever seen one. I love the models in this (although I love Koikatsu models in general, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.). The gameplay itself is really good, mechanics are fleshed out well, and it's obvious that the dev knew what they wanted and how they wanted their game to function.
    And the best part about the whole thing is the writing! Story is written really well so far. All girls introduced have a well written, fleshed out introduction. It seems that every girl you interact with has personality, rather than many games who's girls feel bland and lacking emotion.
    Everything about this game's launch was just great! I've patroned to a lot of devs on this site before, but I've always waited for more content before committing. This is the first project I've ever donated to right after a 0.1 release, and I honestly believe it'll be worth it. Go give them your money!