Ren'Py - Lessons in Love [v0.44.0] [Selebus]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    cute girls with distinct personalities, lovely graphics, music fitting the given setting, sound effects, story progression determined by affection (later lust too) points, which prevents you from getting lost. beside all the positive things i can say about this game, there is one aspect that stands out big time: it's the writing. i have rarely played a game, even by anglophonic developers, with such flawless and contemporary english. several hours into the game and i have not encountered one single grammar mistake and only one spelling mistake. this shows how much the dev cares about his game, his patreons and eventually all players. another thing that has to be mentioned is the level of humor, which is up to par with the very best games out there. i have laughed many more times than my general mood would normally allow me these days.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The tone is all over the place and not in a good way. Even ignoring the frankly random edgy dream sequences of "everything isn't how it seems," scene by scene there's a whiplash between serious, somber moments and fouthwall leaning random yucks constantly, with the voice going all over the place. The main character is also written in a rather slapdash manner, going from a rather mature, sensible person to "Mmm put this dildo in your mouth" or "I will continue to endlessly harass you for kicks." Even from the perspective of it just being a porn game it's all over the place.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Now...As much as i feel embarrassed to admit it, Ive played games that are similar to this, Be it style/etc. But this is one of them games where it has really captured me from the diverse of characters with there own personalities/problems and the interesting plot which is unique in my opinion, I would very much like to wish Selebus my undying love and support for giving me something to look forward to in these dark times, And i highly recommend this game to anybody looking for answers to a Great and interesting experience.
    p.s. Much love on the like Selebus, This was my first wholesome review for a game i genuinely liked on this site (or any site) believe it or not, I would have loved to have gone more in dept but time wasn't a luxury for me at the moment of writing, But again i enjoyed the time i've well spent on this game and this review, Kudos to you Selebus keep doin what yr doin ;) i hope for a successful future for you.​
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Jonathan Nichols

    This is a very enjoyable game. There are many characters each with their own personality and quirks. There are secrets which are very fun to find. And being able to tell what your affection level is at is great as well as the ability to see what events you have left to do. It's one of my favorite games of all timme and i can't wait for the next update.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm going to have to begin my review with saying that this is currently my favorite game on this website.
    The characters are well written and feel like actual people in their interactions with each other. The comedy in the interactions has made me genuinely laugh out loud which doesn't happen often when reading visual novels. The dialogue evokes emotion and doesn't leave you sitting there in boredom waiting for the next interesting thing to happen.
    The story itself is an interesting mystery and each update leaves you with a burning desire to see what's going to happen in the next. As of the current 0.5 version there's about 8-10 hours of content if you actually read and that doesn't feel like nearly enough.
    The character themselves are all cute and some of the best work I've seen done with the Koikatsu engine.
    I will say however if you are looking for a quick fap, this is probably not the game for you. It's very much a story focused game and while there are some fantastic lewd renders and animations in there if that's all you're here for there are better places to be.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I played a shitload of renpy VN's and Lessons in Love is one that stands out for me in more then one point.

    The Girls are loveable and unique in there character traits, as well as the humor of the writing itself is very pleasing.

    All and all a super nice game that i only can recommend playing and let yourself be consumed by this Universe Selebus has created here.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Nicely written characters, not too much grind, and a intriguing small little world. The horror is present in many small little things designed to make you feel uneasy, several deliberately confusing and uncomfortable scenes, and the world setting (and the MC's place in it) itself.

    Great potential to become one of the great harem games like Harem Hotel and Mythic Manor.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game, like seriously like it.

    I think this is the first time I've genuinely liked all the girls in a game. Of course, there are some common tropes sprinkled in with them, however, I feel like the author has done a wonderful job making something different from the tropes you do see, and creating some unique characters that don't fit the typical moulds.

    I think the dialogue is great, and I'm actually happy to read through new scenes as they come instead of skimming through like I find myself doing in a lot of other games.

    I appreciate that it isn't just an instant sex gratification game, but you aren't left completely dry either.

    I was a little hesitant with the horror tag, but I've been pleasantly surprised thus far. I would say that my only concern is the author going like super-horror in the future which would, in my opinion, ruin the great balance the game currently has.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Characters that you'll live laugh love to :)
    The pacing is good, it doesn't blast you with meaningless sex right out the gate but doesn't blue ball you either. Characters are thought out and well written!
    Excellent game please download
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    this game has a nice steady pace and not too many sex scenes. I love the fact that each have their own separate personalities with the horror tag people might think its like Doki Doki but it's not. #team sana
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing story writing. The gameplay plays like a normal dating sim but the writing takes the cake. I know some people are scared how to horror tag on a romance game and expect it to be like doki doki but this game simply isn't. The game has variety of girls to choose from that are different from eachohter and feel like they are a real person whit real problems,
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It was very enjoyable. It has a lovely balance between lewd scenes and story. I love the characters and enjoy how each one has their own quirks that make them special. I'd love to see a little more lover for Futaba, but i can't complain. One of the best Visual novels i've ever played.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    let me just start off with the simple fact of the matter that i have not finished the game in its current state. this game is one of the better Adult VN you'll play, while most of the other stuff focuses on the part that makes them Adult i.e sex scenes and pornography this one goes towards the more VN road. instead of talking with a girl once and POW your sexing her you've gotta "work" for it i say it like that because the work consist of just talking to them a whole bunch but for most games thats considered working lol. Also the Horror aspect is definitely a thing in this game. ive only seen one scene but it scared the shit outa me when i first saw it. the one Con to this game is that if your looking for Adult material this one probably isn't the best seein as its more story driven but that shouldn't mean the game is bad that just mean the creator actually cares about his work and doesn't want to overload it with Porn. i Highly recommend this game if you want good characters and a good story. #TeamFutaba
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Dev probably played doki doki and wanted to make his own story afterwards, but he didn't understood what made that game good. The psychological horror aspect of Lessons in Love falls completely flat because there is no buildup or immersion. Characters and the narrator already break the 4th wall on every occasion and the comedic attitude of the dialog makes you not take the "darker" plot seriously. Also, the whole existential bullshit that is talked about in those "happy scenes" isn't scary nor thrilling, it just makes the player roll his eyes and press skip.

    Lewds are a bit lacking but I guess its only version 0.4 so I won't complain as much. I hope we'll get more characters, and that the moms won't have the same "neglected milf wants some dick" scenario repeated over and over.

    The best part of the game are the characters, because they're not as one dimensional as it first seems. The comedy is okay too.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're still unsure on whether you should or not try out this game, I recommend you to carefully read this review, as in the end I will talk about two massive cons you should consider before playing it.

    First of all, a bit of context.
    I've started reading VNs about 9 months ago and in this entire time I would say that I've read between 40-50 VNs. Some of them were pretty good and some of them were... well, let's just say I would rather forget.
    And then, I played this game...

    And oh boy, WHAT A GAME.

    First and perhaps the greatest part of this game is the characters (as it should always be, I guess). Not only their are masterfully well written, but also they are simply human beings.

    Human beings with not only personality, but also feelings, dreams and, ofc, fears (yes, he wasn't kidding when he wrote the horror tag, so beware of that).

    Human beings that also interact each other organically, which is really hard to get right considering that most VNs tend to focus exclusively on the MC's relationship with each girls therefore neglecting the relations between the girls (not talking about lewd stuff, ofc).

    In another words: Literally everything is so well written that it feels like you're interacting with fellow humans, rather than a bunch of codes, unlike most VNs.

    Another cool thing I would like to mention before talking about the cons, is the musics.

    Yes, the musics. I know that it sounds odd to talk about this in a VN since most of them just use some random crappy royalty free musics (nothing wrong with that ofc). But even this was made right.

    There is a main menu song that automatically makes you think "Oh, this is an appropriate song for a VN main menu" and then there is the "Yumi song" as I call it, that triggers when you do her events that makes you think "Oh, this song fits really well in here" (Yumi is the 9th girl from left to right that you can see in that image).

    TL,DR: Good soundtrack.

    As for the two, massive, bulging cons that you should consider before playing this...

    1- This game... will ruin most of the other games for you.

    It is so incredible that it will set a really high bar for you. I know it might sounds like pure BS, but I promise you. Most decently written VNs will look like crap after you play this.
    You've been warned.

    2- You will have to wait one entire month to play the next update.

    I know that one month of updates worth of 2+ sound like a lot (and it is), but trust me, that won't be enough.

    Once you start playing this game there will be no way back.

    Hours will feel like mere minutes as you immerse yourself in the world of Lessons in Love.

    The place where nothing bad ever happens.

    And then, suddenly, you have to wait a full month to play it again.

    A final consideration.

    This game has a horror tag.

    You might've missed it when you first got in this page, but now I am warning you. He was not joking when he put the tag.

    Don't get me wrong, the game is not focused on horror (as of the 0.5 version). Not at all. But there are indeed horror scenes.

    Anyway, that's all I had to say (in the most brief way I could) about this lovely game.

    I hope it was helpful.

    Have a nice day!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    It's been a long time since I've played a game like this and i enjoyed every second of it. I love the chemistry you have with certain characters and the conversations you have with them always puts a smile on my face.

    It's quite rare to find a game like this out there, last time i played a game similar to this one was back in 2017 which changed my view on these sorts of games. It's great to finally get to see someone make these sorts of things again.
    I think the story that's going on right now is really interesting, you can go to different places and interact with different characters of your choosing, you'd be missing out if you were to skip the conversations you have with these characters. Despite being an 18+ game i'm really more interested in the story and characters over the H-scenes, don't get me wrong the H-scenes are good but i think the story is even greater.
    Now what i think is a bit lacking is the background music while the story plays, it's not bad or anything but it's would be really cool if a character had more than 1 theme song. Overall i think the game is Great and has it's charms and frequent updates which is why i'd rate it this high

    Though Before playing i Highly Recommend you to check out the Genre of the game before trying it out since these sorts of stuff isn't suitable for everyone.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I feel the need to preface by saying that I have played a ton of games on F95 but this is the first time I've felt compelled to review one. I picked up this game not really knowing what to expect other than an erotic game.

    For starters I found the characters incredibly cute and charming. Even the standoffish characters have a uniqueness and mysterious side that is alluring. The gameplay is pretty basic, VN with some sandbox mixed in. There is a minimal grind, but not enough to be annoying in my opinion.

    The writing is where the game truly shines. Like I stated in the beginning I went into this game not knowing what to expect. The first thing I noticed was the humor, it was hilarious and I found myself laughing out loud during multiple parts unexpectedly. As I started to get to know the characters I found myself feeling emotionally attached. The girls deal with real life issues that many of us face on a daily basis which is very rare in games on here. There are some unexpected dark parts to this game, but it effectively weaves a more complex overall story that keeps me excited for each new update. Luckily the developer is incredibly responsive to players and is dedicated to putting out updates on a consistent basis.

    I know this game is far from finishing and I find myself very excited to see the final complete vision.

    Last note I will leave, if you are just looking for a porn game, move on this isn't what you are looking for. If you want to experience a story that is deep and mysterious with strong character development than this is the game for you.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a massive parody joke and I mean I think it a joke of a game trying to be a parody.

    Most the parody jokes are dated and seen better dated jokes back in Scream movies.

    Sad thing is the girl to girl talks seem great from the few I read before I gave up on this game.

    Graphics/sex etc... why bother tons use these exact graphics and do more with them.

    Way to much of a all over the place game: random old irl Joke(this is beyond common and really should be added in other time no joke .. for real)->bad parody->insulting anime or something irl->serious cute moment->massive 10 year old horn dog (and this part reason I say it's parody joke of a game because it insults isekai and games yet makes mc beyond cliche and old school) -> random sex that gets cut off just as it starting ( with the change later in game this to not be stopped of course).

    I mean this feels like it came out like 5 years ago a few times but missed the bus like MC almost does in the game *drum* .... (bad joke intentional to emphasise game's bad jokes) .

    Honestly wasn't for the taken decent graphics and girl-girl decent seemingly talks (where it shows their is a writer that is capable clearly) I would give this 1 star despite it typically being something I only ever give broken games, bad scams, and the like.

    There also some Horror bits later (read through discussion forum if you want info and spoilers on that stuff plenty of people talking about it).
    Edit: forgot to add

    It feels like this for people brand new to these types of games/vns and maybe 5 years ago before all the games came out it would have been a good introduction to them.
    Have a ton more typed up on this game, but I don't think many including me like that massive of a review and don't feel like this game needs/earns it anyways just wanted to put in my 2 cents on the game nothing more nothing less.
    (Keep in mind 2/5 just means below average ).
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple and clean game. Nothing technically challenging involved here.
    Pick a girl, spend time with her and see more scenes with them. Girls receive scenes both out and about the city setting as well as in their dorm rooms.

    Where this game excels is the writing. It's very clearly written by a native English speaker with prior writing experience. The dialogue is well edited and each member of the cast has a distinct tone of voice.

    Mixed into the apparently straight forward setting of a teacher chasing his students are some mystery/psychological horror elements. The game opens with the protagonist's apparent suicide into possession of a high school teacher. With his apparent reincarnation he decides to forego caring about the consequences and starts trying to get it on with the entire class of girls the former inhabitant of his body was trying to teach.

    There's very clearly something wrong underneath the surface. Various scenes with the girls suggest something warped about the world itself with many of the girls also having their own distinct problems.
    A series of secret scenes suggest the world has moments of completely failure whilst dropping obscure hints about what lies beyond what we get to see underneath a dressing of body horror.

    With a dev determined to release consistent monthly updates delivering on both porn and plot it's hard not to recommend trying this.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a 5/5 game. I even become a patreon for the first time on my life to support it !
    Music, BG, chara, design, story, animation, everything is GREAT ! There is a lot of characters and paths. And even more fun even with the tag "horror". I really taste the sense of humour of dev, thanks Selebus sensei !
    Just enjoy it ! Can't wait v0.5 (^O^)//