Ren'Py - Lessons in Love [v0.44.0] [Selebus]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This (v0.09.0 Part 2) is kind of hard to rate for me but I will try anyway.
    At the beginning it was fun to play. I liked the dialogues and the girls are really cute.
    But the more I played the more annoyed I got. The grind felt excessive at some point. I had to seach for events to trigger without knowing what triggers them or how high I need to grind the stats for them. I felt the dialogues were getting longer and weirder with each event. I just spend days (ingame) clicking and skipping without getting anywhere or anything.
    I was at a point where it just got really boring and when I finally found a new event I just didn't care anymore, it registerd in my brain as blablabla skipskipskip blablabla boooring nothing happens.
    And then finally... I hit rock bottom... I'm halfway through the main events where it doesn't matter where you go nobody is there (Reset? or the one before? Can't remember).
    At that point I just deleted the game because it just felt grindy, boring and weird as fuck and it didn't motivate to keep playing at all.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Throwing Pumpkins

    Fantastic game, lovingly crafted with well-designed characters, who are each treated like actual people who build relationships with the main character at their own personalized rate rather than being lewded just because it's an H game. The game also receives frequent updates, has beautiful storytelling with funny moments and scary moments, as well as touching moments.

    I have never supported a game on Patreon before, but this game's story and characters are so good, that I practically had to.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't know how this game is getting 5 star ratings, but 2 words can describe this game. Boring Grindfest. That is the only way to describe this game with the same exact text to skip through day in and day out in each in day game. Are there actually any NSFW events in it? I've come across maybe 4 total. When you do get to have sex with Ami, after the first time you actually can't see anything below the waist. Same goes for Ayane. What's the point of going to their dorm rooms to have "fun" when you can't see anything. It can't even be called an open world sandbox game. There are less than 10 places to actually visit. You can't even roam around the house of the MC. The events that trigger are so far in between it's more exciting to watch paint dry than to skip through boring text just to reach them. Maybe in another 2 years or more this game might actually be considered a "good" game with more events and less text to skip through. The UI is in desperate need of a major overhaul. The player shouldn't have to hit escape to see the levels of each girl or the events. The computer in the MC's room is pretty much useless at this point in the game. If you are looking for a quick "fap" game you will be sorely disappointed. I can understand the dev wanting to build relationships instead of just jumping into the h-scenes and the NSFW content. But going through 20 or more in game days for an event to trigger?
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my favorite games on this site. Love the look of the game's scenery and especially the different girls and their different personalities. Each girl has their own story and doesn't really rely on the other characters to advance their arc. Last time i played was version 5. Since then it has been regularly been updating and i can't wait to dive right back into .
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    When I downloaded this game I was really curious about why people seemed to like It so much and now that I almost completed It I can only agree with them. I think that the characters are well developed and the nsfw scenes are neat but what surprised me the most Is the story, in fact at some point I started to play just to discover more about the story and the "lore" that i almost forgot that It was supposed to be a porn game. I'm not a fan of horror but I appreciated the creepy moments , I can say they're well done and not just made to scare you. I absolutely reccomend It, it deserves to be played !
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Usually i don´t write reviews coz english is not my native language.. and i don´t want to torture you :D but i make an exception here


    - The MC is not dull or an ass (it´s rare these days)
    - Every character is well written and has a personality (also rare XD )
    - There is no real grind + you can focus on 1 girl and don´t have to raise the other girls to unlock events (at least i didn´t notice)
    - It´s not a maze like many other sandbox games
    - There is a good amount of content for a game that was released a half year ago


    - Nothing so far
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    As others have said, high quality game with a well written, engaging storyline. Characters are unique and realistic, you will really care for most, if not all of them. H-scenes are great too.

    This is the first review I write on this site because I finally feel that a dev really deserves praise for his work. In just 7 months, the amount of high-quality content created is quite impressive. Twice per month updates without ever any delays or excuses is a refreshing pace!

    Not many devs can boast about all that and so I would encourage you all to help fund Selebus so that he may continue full-time work on this superb game!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow! I have played quite a bit of adult games since I found out about f95, but I don't think theres a single one I would've played if it wasn't a porn game. This is actually so good that I literally could play it without the porn. Idk what else to say, everything about this game is phenomenal from the characters to the story to the setting. Even if you don't like some of the tags ( I think horror scares off alot of people), trust me this game is worth it.

    Also this game has a shit ton of content for only being 6 months old. Definitly a dev worth supporting (actually created a patreon cause of this game lol).
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is frankly way better than it has any right to be as a 'porn game'. The writing is great, the characters are awesome and I really enjoy how the game makes me happy, it's a nice way to spice things up and keep me interested.

    I feel like it's worth mentioning that this game had me hooked enough to keep playing it far later into the night than I was planning to on multiple occasions.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not great at reviews so I'll keep this short and just say: I'd play this game even without the lewd! It's so well written and funny and thought provoking and exciting and fucking horifying and the girls are so cute and interesting and yeah! Selebus is a pretty cool dude too. Ok bye
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Have you ever wanted to have sex with cute young girls, but also feel the call of the void while doing so? This is the game for you. Not only does it have great, fleshed out characters with deep and sometimes rather depressing backstories, but the writing and time put into the game is apparent in every scene. Over time you actually get to feel for the characters and care what happens about them. The mystery and secrets in the game leave more to be desired and known. The story only adds to the sex scenes and makes them 10x better then they would be on their own. So if cute likable characters, feelings, and the sense of dread of the unknown is your thing, play this game.
  12. G
    5.00 star(s)


    Lessons in Love is a game that you can lose yourself in. The characters are charming and unique, and the story is engaging and well-written. The character models are also very different from each other, which separates this game from a lot of the others of its kind.

    There are elements of intrigue as well, and a mystery that encapsulates not only the protagonist, but also Kumon-Mi. The horror aspect of this game is not done cheaply, and it is not without purpose. Every scene that can be identified as 'horror' has an underlying meaning that helps you further understand everything that is going on.

    And for those looking for fap-material, look no further. This game offers that as well ;)

    Highly recommend anyone to check out this game who is browsing F95. The creator, Selebus, updates often and every update is full of great content, so I also recommend that you support the official release so we can see even more greatness in the future.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably the best indie visual novel I've ever read. Barely slept since I started, that's how good it is.

    Characters design are unique, dialogs are often hilarious, and the writing? simply amazing. Came for the cutie stayed for the story.

    Give it a shot, you won't regret it.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Story is different/good. The humor is pretty funny. The weird is pretty freaky. The grind is a grind. I like the many different personalities/characters, the only one you may have missed is the cool chill chick, but Rin might fill that role. The animations, once you get to them, are well made. The scenes are well thought out. The art is decent, good for this style.

    Civilians dont say "roger that", unless they just got out of the military, especially not high school girls. Must have seen that a dozen times, made me flinch every time. That said, it is obvious the writing could use some editing.

    The events menu is a good start. If you want to attract those that hate the grind, be more descriptive on what the next needs are, colors are hard to follow.

    Thank you for letting me enjoy your hardwork.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is without a doubt one of my favorite hentai games. The story is well written and thought out, most of the time happy and light, but it also has a psychological/existential side which hints at something larger than just being a lighthearted isekai harem romance, which will keep you guessing/theory crafting on end.

    Now on to the girls themselves. with 12 currently, (more to come) there is a girl for you, not to mention all the side characters, bringing you an enticing variety to choose from (or just choose them all.)

    All in all, this game is well worth to invest your time (and in my opinion, your support on patreon.)

    In conclusion, my dick hard.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Old Fart Having Fun

    After playing for over a year and being a patreon much of that time, I feel it is time to update this post. Selebus updates frequently and fairly regularly, which is to be commended. The discord and patreon community for this game can get a little... fanatical, so I would stay away and avoid subscribing to Sel. The game is obviously quite beautiful, and has a really great story. Major qualms with the game include the somewhat lazy grammar (purposeful choice by Sel, as it apparently gives a more "realistic" feel) and random "puzzle" sections that were put in the game simply to gatekeep (you have to memorize certain codes throughout the game, and enter them in a text entry system... I have spent hours on them personally, and would recommend looking up answers in the f95 thread as the Discord will not provide them explicitly). The game is overall really great regardless of its flaws and ego-inflated author, so please try this game out!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not gonna waste too much time arguing over what makes this game great because all the other reviews have done that. I'm instead going to make a point that is important to make.

    Just because a game is good, doesn't mean you'll like it.

    Let's summarize everyone's review as neutral as possible. The story's good, the character's fleshed out and the music fits every scene. Not to mention that the horror scenes are pretty good as well. All those are good on their own, but with how well the creator did in bringing it all together, this game is a shining example of a whole being more than the sum of its parts. Overall, this is a great game.

    And I personally hate it. The MC is a bit of a creep by VN protagonist standards, and a potential pedophile by normal standards. This isn't exactly far-fetched with how the story is progressing, showing the MC to be a straight up sociopath and/or psychopath at times (e.g.
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    ). Then there's the whole power dynamic between a teacher and their students, which has always grossed me out. Because of all this, I just can't like this game.

    Now, someone hating something doesn't mean that it's terrible. But it does mean that as much as I think it's great, I can't just recommend this to anyone. And I think the people reviewing this either don't point that out or just go with the ol' "It's not for everyone". Like no shit it's not for everyone. Nothing's for everyone. But I feel like it's more important to let everyone know that the glowing reviews alone won't guarantee that they'll enjoy it. I think it's important to make sure that they don't waste their time with something they won't like from the jump, which I think is usually a forgotten reason people read reviews.

    So that's why I'm writing this review. I'm not writing this review to tell you how good this game is. I'm writing this review to let you know whether you'll like the game. So, if you want an MC to be on the morally straight (BSA not required) and you don't like horror or disturbing rape, then no, this game is not for you no matter how good it is, and it is good. If you don't like it, then you won't like it. Period.

    TL;DR *game exists* Thanks! I hate it! 4.5/5 IGN Not rated E for Everyone.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is still a WIP but its content is already pretty good. Selebus do regular update which are (or should be if there were no leak) accessible to his patreons a week before being released to public.

    The porn scenes are good but aren't the main reason why I like the game : each girl story feels different. They all have issues and a different progression.
    When I think about "Lessons in Love", my first thought is about the personalities of the girls, the second is about existential dread then third comes the porn.

    The horror tag is still important tho : some scene can be pretty weird and a feeling of existential dread could appear during some dialog.
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    Downloaded for porn, found HOPE
    Gib Selebus money
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    When I found this game, I thought it was gonna be another goofy nukige hentai game that I could occupy myself with for a few days. So, I downloaded the free version (at the time, 0.4.0) and started playing.

    I was wrong about the game. Instead of a normal nukige, I was treated to a rich world filled with many diverse characters of all personalities and handled very maturely, as well as some interesting social commentary on Japanese culture and attitudes toward things like mental health and appropriate actions.

    As well, the sex is handled very maturely and you actually have to put the work in to dig into these ladies' characters if you expect to get between their legs.

    While the horror scenes aren't exactly my personal fancy, they are handled well, and definitely add to the feeling that something isn't right in the city of Kumon-mi.

    TLDR; came for the porn, stayed for the characters
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The char designs looks like from Aura Kingdom or is it just me?
    Can't flirt with HOPE and whoever that code person is (totally not ****)
    Dialogue is probably my favorite as I haven't seen dialogues like this, story is kinda similar to that certain litera-

    No H-Scenes for some chars but then again,'tiz not the full yet so I'd gladly wait for the updates.

    Fav Charas: Maya, I just love it when my MC suffers from her *looks at trash* gaze, Miss Yakuza will prolly get f-ed by our MC snapping again like when he ****** in her event and Rin for 2 reasons heh, I said Rin not Futaba right?

    This game is a bit sca- IT'S..A...WHOLESOME...GAME...PLAY IT....