Ren'Py - Lessons in Love [v0.44.0] [Selebus]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game. it's a hard line to walk when mixing horror with porn because it's very easy to make it silly or take you out of it, but in my opinion it works suprisingly well in this case. the girls are very interesting, and the story elevates this game rather than gets in the way. also the dev is incredibly consistant and open.

    As long as you're smart enough to click buttons and have basic reading comprehension you really can't get stuck either. there's even an in game event tracker so you know when to not bother with a character between updates.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This game might actually be interesting if there was less boring grind between places of note or some form of direction on what to do. Also, the horror aspects could be with being a little more subtle, atleast at first. It goes 0 - 100 really quick.

    2 stars, but with some polish it could be 4 quite easily. The grind is utterly pointless.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Very quickly became one of my favourite games featured on this site. The daily slice-of-life harem story with solid amounts of absurdist comedy, absurdist tragedy and absurdist horror make for an experience not unlike that one visual novel you remember playing in your teens when you pirated a Japanese game (torrent or kazaa or other… depending on how old you are) hoping for a wank but unexpectedly got swept up by a story.

    Highly recommended with the small caveat about very rare instances of flashing images — usual warnings apply.

    So get the game now, start your teaching career in the hopes of dicking as many teenage girls and their moms as possible, try not to fantasise too much about rape, dismemberment and/or suicide and make sure to vomit all your theories about what the story is really about in our discord. And above all else remember to be happy.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game gave me the feels. In a good way. It's mostly a typical corruption/harem game but then it breaks the fourth wall or gives a character a fucked up and real story line and then - I mean, there's boobs and all, but this is...

    This is awesome. This is my first review of a game because it follows all the conventions enough to fuck with your sensibilities and emotions. Is good.

    But maybe you're not sure. Are there sexytimes with cartoon ladies? Yes, and they're hot. Are there grinding affection bits? Yes, and every now and again they flip the script and make it all weird and good. But there's a lot of games on here that are sexy and well written and weird and all.

    So here's the quote that got me to write this review:

    "There are three things you never ask a lady, Sensei! Her age, her weight, and where she got her automatic rifle."

    The context for that quote is more fun than you might think. Play this game and give the dev your money.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Doctor Cloroxo

    This game.. Is really something amazing. If I believed in God I'd say that it's a little bit like a good Sermon. It'll make you laugh, make your curious, and maybe even make you cry. Then again, I'm kinda a crybaby at this point for some reason, but the game does have touching moments. But it also does something that a good sermon can't. It can scare the shit out of you if you get too comfortable. And it'll make you cum. If there is a church where the sermons make me cum, let me know, I'd like to go there, but I digress.

    For a little while, when I was playing the game, I was actually, unironically, playing for the plot. So much so that I think I skipped an H scene just go get on with the story. Maybe I'm different, but if you want a game that'll make you actually think, that will reward you for paying attention and appreciating little details (like a clock and smiley face for a certain individual's room) then this game is for you. This game isn't scared of shit, which makes it one helluva thing to experience. It doesn't shy away from the shitty parts of life. It's not fuckin' around.
    I just wished that there was more to it, but I've only played version 0.5. I honestly can't wait for new versions to come out.
    I do feel that the story is a little underdeveloped in some areas, namely the MC, and I'm really fuckin' curious about the MC, because I have a feeling the sekai has a lot to do with what brainfuckery is going on.
    If I wasn't rationing my finances due to this pandemic, I would give money to the developers patreon faster than my heart rate when spending time in a certain room filled with time-telling devices.

    Be warned: this game contains kernels of truth and reality.

    Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I feel that the writer (who might be the developer?) is on to something here, and I think they're trying to speak about something bigger than just a porn game. You know how Harry Potter was so good because it was a mystery series disguised as a magical school / magical adventure book series? Yeah, I feel that this game is a different type of game or story disguised as a porn game.
    The characters are realistic, to say the least, and the decisions you make are impactful as all hell, sometimes. It's a surreal experience.
    There are plenty of H scenes, and there's even one pretty close to the start just as reward for reading the start. This game is deep. Or I'm just a dumbass who's reading too much into it. I just hope the author knows what they're doing and where they want to take the mystery aspect. If they play their cards wrong, it could end up being another "could have been great" situation. But I have faith that it won't end up being a total fucking disaster unlike some other games , that i shall not name..
    Anyways, here's hoping to my review not getting removed for some bullshit like "too much opinion."
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    You play as protagonist man who has become teacher man and doesnt know why - the reason is revealed bit by bit and you must "guide" lovely schoolgirls on the path to enlightement and fun. This usually involving some form of INterACTION with said schoolgirls, also one is your niece.

    The artstyle is aesthetically pleasing and the humor is periodically fairly dark and still entertaining, without becoming edgy - which is always a plus.

    All you need to know is that someone here describes her father as "Basically Satan" , why you may ask? All he does is drink and listen to smooth jazz - it is literally hell.

    Then again, I might be easy to please - but I had a lot of fun with this so far and I imagine I will have a lot more.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    TLDR: This is probably one of the best if not the best game on this platform.

    Story: 5/5 - For me personally, the story is the most important part of any game, but it's incredibly hard to find a porn game nowadays with a story thats actually interesting. The horror/comedy/mystery genre this story follows is incredibly unique, I don't think we actually have had an adult game like this before. It reminds me a bit of Doki Doki literature club (but not as intense on the horror). It honestly can be a quite wholesome game sometimes too and the delivery of the comedy and horror is perfect (not an easy thing to get right).

    Characters: 5/5 - Every single character here has a unique personality, and is memorable in one way or another. Unlike in other games on this platform, these characters truly feel real and act like real humans. The scenes with Maya absolutely blew me away, I don't want to spoil too much but you definitely have to go the Maya route to see how good the writing in this game is. There's literally a personality type here for everyone (think tsundre, yandre, etc if your into anime culture).

    Renders 5/5 - This one is a bit subjective, but if your a sucker for anime-style girls like me this is one of the best qualities of the game.

    Gameplay 4/5 - The gameplay is a pretty standard ren'py type game. Everyday you get 2 actions, and you have some stats that allow certain scenes to take place. Your actions actually do affect the outcome of certain relationships, and the freedom of choice on who to pursue as opposed to a tradition linear VN works well in this case with so many girls. The only thing kind of bogging the gameplay down is the repetitive scenes when you need to raise your stats, but other that the gameplay is pretty solid.

    Content 5/5: I'm not going to be rating this based on how much content is has currently since it only began a few months ago, but the potential for content. A lot of games on this site like to milk patreon for money, with updates taking months and months only to deliver an hour or 2 of content. The fact that this creator is pushing out 3 or more hours of high quality content a month, and he's not even full-time yet is incredibly refreshing. I believe the creator has said somewhere he wants this to be at least 100 hours as well, so your looking at a lot of potential content.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The overall style and vibe immediately made me have to give it a 5/5. Everything hits just right especially with the plot and characters. You never know what you'll stumble into :sneaky: It's not often someone can stay so dedicated to their work and lead it in the right directions. I can't wait to keep supporting this to see where it goes. Getting those doki doki vibes if you know what I mean :sneaky:
  9. H
    5.00 star(s)


    Rating revised to 5 star.

    I had previously rated this game with 4 stars, after playing it as of 0.11 this game is definitely worth a 5 star rating, but be mindful of what this game is and what it isn't.

    Although it plays like a sandbox genre game, it is actually a glorified kinetic novel, it excels in character building and caters to some very perverted fetishes like lolis and incest, but it does not do it in a nonchalant way, this game takes some dark twists and turns and could make you feel weird.

    All in all it is definitely a 5 star game/story that is refreshingly different from others on the site.

    I just HOPE Selebus does not go over the top with thinking his creation is some immaculate piece of work meant to be more than what it actually is: a porn game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    It's really hard, for me, to find games that I like on F95, or anywhere, really. Maybe because I'm weird or have a lot of different tastes.

    And you know what? Lessons in Love is weird and has a lot of different things going on.

    Like any really good sandbox/harem game, it hits on the correct points with me. You can spend time with pretty much any of the girls, and they each have their own unique personalities. The outgoing one, the suspicious one, the nerdy one, the athletic one, the really shy one, the one with a rough background.... these and more are found in the girls of LiL.

    And while there are other games out there that use the same formula of having some kind of mysterious thing happen to the MC to create this situation, LiL turns it up a notch. It's hard to mix genres, and definitely harder to do it with extremely different genres. Lil pits romance against horror, the "bed all the girls" and makes it go BattleBots with "what the hell just happened?"

    For a good game to be a great game, there has to be that little something that makes it different. The one thing that makes you remember the game. LiL knocked it out of the park.

    Muy bueno. Five stars.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Where do I even begin with this game...

    Well, let's just say I had a really hard time rating this, but in the end, I had to give it 5 stars, because that's what it deserves.

    Before I get down to rating the superficial areas of the game, I'd just like to say that if you are looking to play a game where you can roam around finding H-Events to fap to or if you are looking for a "fun time" with 2D girls, then I recommend you stay away or at least, change your mentality before diving in - for a few reasons.

    First, there are H-events, alright, but definitely not ones that are made smoothly through grind or progression. Note that I am not saying this is a flaw, if anything, the way those events are put together is the superb strength of this game's creator. Every connection (or disconnection) was done deliberately and deliberately.

    Second, these aren't 2D girls. Well, in the sense of models, they are - but they are more 3D than anything. The pun here can only be done justice if you go ahead and play through the game.

    Third, there's some intriguingly dark plot happening in the game. You could go around raping girls in the facade of romance as in any other games, orrrr you could try to find out some stuff, which requires you to keep your hands away from your genitals for a while.

    Anyway, here's how I rate this:


    - creative use of graphics to form realistic and well-timed facial expressions and actions, all that bring characters to life

    - music and other sounds are appropriate. very appropriate.

    - hot girls, hot h-scenes

    - quite a bit of content

    - good transitions and few no(?) bugs


    - could feel a bit grindy, though still unsure if this was intended, so as to add impact and build tempo to pump up tension for certain scenes

    - MC can seem a little strange and awkward at times, almost as if he can't socialise, though, again, unsure if this is intended or not, but it does serve as a bit of a turnoff for me when some decisions I choose don't play out the way I imagined

    - got cucked by the game :HideThePain:

    Overall, as mentioned before, I would think with the skill the creator has, he/she could make a damn good actual H-game without the deep, dark plot.

    Despite leaving me to a softening dick at my seat, I guess this game does deserve a 5-starred applause.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It is definitely 5 star game but it has some major flaws.

    I cant help but to think how much this would be better if it was proper VN instead of fake dating sim on the rails because dev definitely has ability to write and create.

    Lots of events are just out of whack and MC doesn't make any sense in tons of cases. He would pull the dick out unexpectedly in front of shy girl(and it works ofc) or attempt to rape a girl out of no where and it is not even a choice. His only way to approach some girls is basically to be annoying until they accept him for some reason. But I kinda like to wish that is just place holder since it is clear that he knows to make compelling story.

    Trough out the game it is clear that dev is learning and improving the craft which is why we get static sex scene then he implements animations(which are amazing btw). That is one example. That also seems to be the case with the story and why it lacks focus in certain cases.

    This game really shines when thing gets serious and when it holds real dialog which is not as often as I would like. Still to me cause of that seems to be the whole format of the game which is basically grind point and go to event and when doing it that way it is super hard to make it cohesive.

    Girls are all lovable and have personalities and by the time you finish what what game has to offer you will be starved for more, if you enjoy this type of art. It is pretty unique experience and has some dark mystery going on which we are yet to understand.

    I can't recommend it enough and it truly deserves 5 stars. Even if I really dislike the format and some interactions, other parts of game outshine these flaws(subjective) so much that it doesn't drop rating in my eyes.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    it has a very intriguing story to it the creator of it knows how to mix sexy schoolgirl with creepy jump scare in a masterful way and it has been a very long time since I had to break out my old college school book on hexadecimal and I very much enjoyed some names and sentences are in hexadecimal I am also glad that the creator took the time to give health advisory for people who have epilepsy this is going to be put on my list of favorite right under my number one top favorite Harem Hotel
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the most engaging dating sims I have ever played, with impeccably written and amazingly designed characters (these are honestly the best looking girls I've seen in a game). The dialogue and character interactions are the bread and butter of the game and will leave you smiling ear to ear. Every girl you encounter feels unique, even those you may not have interest in initially will draw you in once you begin learning more about them.

    One thing I feel gets underappreciated is the level of patience put into the adult content. This is an adult dating sim so you'd naturally be expecting sex scenes, which do happen but happen naturally depending on the characters personality, one character could throw herself at you immediately while another could take hours, which is a good thing because it stays true to the character. The game never betrays its characters to give you a quick fix.

    Lessons in love is a game where after you play it you'll be thinking about the characters long after you've exhausted its contents, it's a game that draws you into its world so successfully you forget it's a game, you lose yourself in its world and it leaves an impression on you which is the highest compliment a game can receive. I genuinely look forward to seeing this game completed and I'm proud to support it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, this game is just really surprising.
    When I went into this one I was kinda expecting it to be, at best, a fun, sexy time with likable characters. But it's got that alongside so much more interesting things going on, even beyond the horror/existential/denpa stuff going on. The writer does such an excellent job of giving a voice to each character and giving each of them interesting and compelling circumstances; which is impressive considering it's got upwards of 10 main girls.

    The game is also pretty f'in funny so it's got that going for it too.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Just wanted to say the neon pink color on the choices for things like where to go after school and during the weekends is a bit hard on the eyes (especially when you're playing in the dark haha) maybe consider changing it? Unless it was a very specific design choice and intended, if so, then sorry for mentioning it.

    But let me just say this game is AMAZING, a genuine 100/10, a home-run-out-of-the-ballpark game. Definitely one of my favorite games I've ever played. The characters are each in their own way so interesting to get to know and grow closer to, the humor and witty conversations the MC has with other characters are so entertaining to watch. Also, I'll admit the horror parts are genuinely unsettling but I really like the underlying feeling of mystery and creepiness they add to an otherwise cutesy game about trying to have sex with all your students. Constantly looking forward to your updates, keep up the good work!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating it like this almost solely for the plot, like the actual plot. The characters themselves are fun and quirky, but holy shit one of the horror scenes actually got me. It felt legitimately unsettling. 90% of this game is fluffy and nice, but the other 10% can feel incredibly unsettling because of that. Basically, I got boomed.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this. It's very much in an anime style with certain inside jokes and satirical plays on the medium, so if you're not into anime you might find some stuff cringy. Its v lighthearted and I enjoy the humor(the phoenix wright bit was callout was cool). I do think the characters look a bit young, but that might just me the anime artstyle. Overall I liked it a lot
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Diamond lou

    Lessons in Love is genuinely one of the best games i've played on here.
    Other games may have more realistic graphics or higher budgets, and while they are good in their own way Lessons in Love has it's own unique charm, from the extremely likeable and well written characters to the over arching story surrounding this game.

    Many other games like this have fallen by the wayside for example A Town Uncovered, a game that has been all but abandoned with the few updates coming out being extremely lacklustre, many games with this type of problem is said to stem from their creators, either wanting to milk their patreons or moving on to another game they won't finish.

    Lessons in Love doesn't have this problem, with dedicated developers who actively engage with not only their fans of their game but make an effort to actually listen to them and take their advice to heart, on top of the fact that they release consistent updates each week with palpable changes be it bug fixes or new content, luckily with Lessons in Love these two come hand in hand.

    So to make it short, Lessons in Love has amazing characters, a unique and immersive story and a immensely dedicated developer.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a special game so far, i've never dived into anything in this style, never watched and anime or read a manga, yet i decided to try this one out. I am very glad that i did.

    The girls in this game are written well and are rememberable which is hard to do. A lot of VN's feature characters that i end up forgetting so i am glad to say that this isn't the case here. Theres only one girl that i dont really care for and thats honestly down to personal preferences other than actual flaws in the writing.

    The scenes are very pretty and the lewd animations are done very nicely, honestly no complaints in that department.

    The story itself is an interesting one so far. It definitely has a shock factor especially when a person like me doesn't expect it. I'll have to revisit this review once the story is actually complete but so far i'm hooked for the most part.

    Overall i recommend this game to everyone, even to people like me who usually don't care for anime-like content. Well done to Selebus for creating something that even appeals to a "non-weeb" (no offence to people that enjoy anime of course).