
New Member
Oct 23, 2017
Hey Selebus, I love the game and backed you on SubscribeStar after the last update, but the Discord link on SS gives an "Invite Invalid" error. Could you double check that the invite link is up to date?


Deleted member 1697433

Lessons in Love
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2019
Hey Selebus, I love the game and backed you on SubscribeStar after the last update, but the Discord link on SS gives an "Invite Invalid" error. Could you double check that the invite link is up to date?

Yo! The proper link is .

I honestly have no idea how to get SubscribeStar to stop sending out that old link. I disabled the bot ages ago because it required too many permissions and needed a lot of special shit in order to function. Site won't even let me turn off Discord functionality.

Thank you so much for your support!


Jun 14, 2017
Very nice update, i think I'm in Lebanese with this writing, humor and mysteriousness, or maybe i've just invested too much time into this plot and now i have to keep up with it lest i admit i wasted my time while lying to myself. Probably not though.

I have some thoughts on the few "spooky stuff"TM that transpires during the new events, specifically about the poem, Io and how scatterbrained Sensei seems to be, but who cares about a random anonymous internet user's theories.

I'm very glad the dev will be taking a break in less than a month, I in fact think it should be twice as long, or at the very least extended by 1-2 weeks that only focus on the plot (if it hasn't been completely finished already, up until the end of the story, which i hope it has) without implementation of new events into the game.
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Sep 15, 2020
I just can't understand how people can be so helpless. There's literally a link to a guide in OP, where ALL the necessary info is written CLEARLY, step by step. It requires you even less than one braincell to use it. You don't need to search the forum, discord, google it, go to darkweb, learn rocket science or whatever. It's like the basics of the basics of finding information in the Internet.
I am a lazy ass, who doesn't like puzzles, but I spent, what, like 2-3 minutes, to discover a guide, open the pdf, find what I needed and go on with muh reading. It just blows my mind when people prefer to whine, post lengthy laments, spend "four hours looking for answer!!1" when there's literally a solution in the first post of the thread. And that's not talking about wiki and numerous answers throughout last like 20-30 pages here.
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Sep 6, 2018
I've only known Io for a single update, but if anything happened to her, I would kill everyone in this thread and then myself. It's a shame that something probably will happen, given the game.
I still haven't gotten the ip address to work
You sure you are typing without spaces/wrong cases/etc?
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New Member
Nov 20, 2020
it wont install on android ? i tried every link and its either not installed or the download corrupted


Oct 31, 2018
I've only known Io for a single update, but if anything happened to her, I would kill everyone in this thread and then myself. It's a shame that something probably will happen, given the game.

You sure you are typing without spaces/wrong cases/etc?
Pretty sure I am


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Well, it was fun while it lasted, I got half the original cast up to their first character events, then I got a memory error so bad I had to hard reboot. Selebus this leads me to believe you may have a memory leak to deal with, not all that common in Renpy in my experience, but most common in the bigger games when it does happen in Renpy. I have plenty of memory to deal with this game, 24GB, yet it acted as if I ran out far quicker than it should have.

Should I jump back in this game? I know the writing is phenomenal, but the horror elements weren´t sitting well with me at the time, I was in a dark place last time I played this.

Has the game maintained the dark/horror elementes to the same level as, six months ago, or has the dev turned it up since then?

I´ve been at a loss of games to play and saw this back o the updates pages, and wondered if I should jump back into the game
I always recommend playing, but no, the level hasn't really changed. The ones you encountered before are still there and nearly every update adds more.

Why do most of the girls in description of the game have small breasts?:unsure: The girl with blue hair has the perfect size.:sneaky: It is always known that the bigger the better!:LOL: The description of the game made me curious enough to download it. I'll be back with an opinion.:)
They are all fine as they are, and that's saying something since I would normally say the opposite for Futaba.

Love this game. It's somehow both fluffy, yet psychologically thrilling. Really looking forward to more.

On potentially future content, I was wondering if pregnancy would come up. I don't expect that to be soon or whatever, but maybe at around the end.

Either way, I wish you luck!
Not likely in the time frame this game is likely to take place during. While the game itself will take a few years to make, the game may only take a couple of months in the story, by which I mean too few for pregnancy. There's also the possibility that Selebus doesn't like pregnancy content, in which case the timeline doesn't matter since he is sticking to his vision.

I don't remember exactly which events were in the game 6 months ago, but aside from the first HAPPY event, the horror has stayed at about the same level. If Rin's Delirium event fucked you up last time though, there has been another event added in a similar vain that's worse.

Personal preference I'd imagine. Trust me though, the way the girls look matters little once you start really getting into this game. The character writing is amazing. I have 3 favorite girls, one of them, Sana, (black hair, green eyes, hair covering one eye) has no sexual content yet, another, Rin, (Pink eyes, skull hair clip, headphones) only flashes you at one point (and I wish she didn't....), and thankfully the 3rd, Futaba, (blue haired girl you're referring to) has a good amount of sexual content though.

Really though, the fact that 2 of my 3 favorites have no sexual content, and most people that play this game end up having Rin be one of their favorites with practically no sexual content from her, should show how good the character writing can be.
I know, her flashing us was creepy and unsettling. I immediately wanted to leap into action to get her to pull her shirt back down. Of course, then there's what might come up as a result the 'are they not good enough' kind of question.

So the new update is pretty great.

I continue to be impressed with the way Selebus is able to give each character distinctive personalities and voices.
I know I WAS playing the update and every girl had their own voice in my head. It was like I was planning out a script and reading it as different voice actors or something.

Ld.Pentaghast If the last update left you uncomfortable, know that the game right now will still do the exact same thing.

There is basically a "happy event" per update. The writing has been consistent so far, so you will see glimpses of HAPPY stuff through the main story, and some of the events for the girls get either depressing or disturbing. Things go back to the status quo relatively quick though.

You misunderstood me. This part of my reply was about how "replies with people giving away the info would be deleted"
I am saying that if someone wants to tell them about it, to tell them which event it is, and not just what happens in it, so the one asking will actually know what to look for.
Oh no, I understood fine, my counterpoint is that that's what the replay system is for. We can immediately go back to unlocked events with no requirements to fulfill and none of the text before or after the event specific text.

As someone who is being catered to, thank you for having a variety of sizes.
I just finished the update, "new" girls are very cute as always ("new" since we've technically met both of them before, though we didn't see Io). I'm really interested in finding out more about Io, her specific choice of words at certain points is interesting...
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I know, I updated my full save from long ago before my now failed reset, technical difficulties, not a missed event, and noticed she didn't seem like a normal resident.

Another day, another update without best girl content.

More Chika, please.
She'll get more when the story allows her more.

But there is nothing to warn you that it should be needed. If you go by other games, it's never the case, unless the game is presented from the beginning as having some puzzles. Even if there is some secret info, MC always remembers it automatically, you as player don't have to. But ok, it's other games, it doesn't mean that this one must be the same.

But for a very very long time there's no warning in this game either. You play for several hours, and suddenly bam, out of nowhere, there's this single "puzzle". Well, there's a warning a little before that (but already way into the game), to write down one or maybe two things (I'm not sure) out of five you need to know. But as a whole it's still pretty unexpected.

And whole game is confusing like this. It's clear that it's not just a sex game, the amount of sex scenes is too low (that's not a complaint), and it's apparent fairly quickly. But the fact that real story is something else than it seems to be at first sight, not that much.

It's like if I'd write what I'd claim to be a style novel:

A secret agent would be investigating something, and it would lead him to a farm, where he would need to blend in, so he would get hired as a worker, and he'd get stuck there. There would be chapter after chapter about farm life, growing crops, breeding animals, adventures with broken tractor, getting married to lonely female farmer, etc. Everyone who would read few random chapters would say that it's awesome story about farm life. It could easily get a 'Farming novel of the year' award. But no! It would be a mystery novel. So for every fourty or so normal chapters, there would be a mysterious one. Weird tracks appearing behind barn, strange lights at night, crop circles of course, cows turning themselves inside out. And then another fourty thrilling chapters about farm life. And so on.

That's about the impression I get from this game so far. But it's fine, I'm having good time. Maybe I'll get the real story later, and it will be even better. Worst case, it will be like , enjoyable while is was going, and I can always forget the ending. :D
Most other games, especially on this site, are more H scene oriented and are shooting for an audience that wants to put in as little effort as possible because they would rather pay more attention to the H content and what their other hand is doing (No offense to any who do, just saying). This is geared toward people actually looking for a a game to play with full focus on the game itself.

Yeah I love this game but it pretty much sums up my experience with it too. I love the mystery aspects of this game but I wish there was more of it... The vast majority of this VN feels like nothing is really happening and just generic dating sim VN tropes like most of the garbage on this site (even if this one is better written than those).. The most entertaining things about this VN are the mystery stuff. I don't really care too much about a lot of the melodrama or the slice of life shit too much.
I'm coming at this from the other side, I like the normal stuff and don't mind some mystery, the amount of which is fine for me. Only for my taste, this mystery seems to go a little beyond that, into "fucked up" territory. But there's not too much of it, so it's ok. But if the mystery is what you're after, then yeah, there's not enough of it. :)
There is more to come considering the actual main story IS the mystery. As for it being fucked up, it's supposed to be and things will keep getting worse. That's the Denpa genre in a nutshell.

Oh' it's updated now...
Very quickly, I might add. It sounds like somebody is watching the Patreon or SubscribeStar pages almost 24/7, the timing was just too quick to be a casual check like what I do.

Anyone know if any lewd "dragon" content is planned?
Huh? Not sure what you mean, but everyone except one character currently in the game, which one is obvious and the reason why is obvious, is planned to have some content at some point as the story allows.

Ok the 'Changing of the Seasons' thing can go diaf. Not only was it a pain to input but where in the flaming fuck is the info even from?
Previous events, every single piece of info came from previous events. Selebus isn't so sadistic that he'll throw information not even in the game at us in a puzzle....right Selebus?

I've only known Io for a single update, but if anything happened to her, I would kill everyone in this thread and then myself. It's a shame that something probably will happen, given the game.

You sure you are typing without spaces/wrong cases/etc?
Ayane, is that you? :ROFLMAO:

it wont install on android ? i tried every link and its either not installed or the download corrupted
It is suggested that Android users use the app Joiplay on the Windows version of the game due to size and other restrictions. Android has issues with big games and anything not from a trusted source.
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Aug 19, 2016
Do I need to have seen all the happy scenes to trigger There is Nothing? I'm missing a few of those, some pink events and the stuff from the 2 new characters but it's not happening


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2020
If there is a memory leak, it's not universal. I have quite long play sessions and I have never had any issues, even with only having 2 GB.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Do I need to have seen all the happy scenes to trigger There is Nothing? I'm missing a few of those, some pink events and the stuff from the 2 new characters but it's not happening

If there is a memory leak, it's not universal. I have quite long play sessions and I have never had any issues, even with only having 2 GB.
I'm not sure, I just reported by commenting just in case, however, the error message did mention Lessons in Love in the bar at the top of the message window.

I'm also going to do an integrity check on my RAM and other components on my next intentional reboot to see if maybe some of my memory is no longer in working order. If it isn't, I'll have to replace it before getting into the game again for another attempt. I might have damaged something with my less than five minutes playing Genshin Impact on a machine that meets double the recommended requirements since I literally just got to seeing the town in the distance in the beginning of the game before my computer turned itself off to save the hardware.

The really bad part is I was using a stopwatch on my computer to keep track of play time to give me the total down to the hundredths of a second, but that got wiped with the hard reboot, so I have to start from the beginning. I'll be using my phone as a fail safe in my next attempt.

It was so bad that my entire machine was a slide show and the message just wouldn't stop popping up, the browser with the stopwatch active even crashed. I don't know, it might not be the game, it could be my browser, too, but better to be safe than sorry considering the message did specifically mention the game.

I swear this is turning into some sort of sudden death Nuzlocke challenge with several rules:

1) You can save, but you cannot stop playing unless you need to take care of human needs and you must get back in when done with said needs or it is an instant death. (to prevent forgetting information)

2) Any red is an instant death. (it must be a perfect run, I will accept nothing less)

3) You must track your time in game, any loss of this time or failure to stop tracking time while not playing is an instant death. (just curious as to the exact game length in time)

This basically means that, should I lose my play time record for any reason, including a total system crash, I have to start over, if I miss any event for any reason, including my own stupidity, I must start over, and if I stop playing for any unnecessary reason, that means anything that isn't necessary for human survival, I must start over.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
There's a cheat code if you want to get the "good event". It marks your save file as a cheater, but it does nothing as of yet.

emphasis on yet, there's no telling what is in store later and we all know this game has consequences for pretty much anything. I mean look at what happened when Rin's lockout was added with the beach event, a ton of players instantly fell victim just out of the fact that the event to trigger the lockout was in the previous version, so I'm not so sure taking any step with signs of consequences is worth the risk and the cheats DO have signs of consequences in the form of that cheater flag.

Sensei actually giving good advice to someone is not what I expected.

Maybe he will have an arc after-all.

He already does, we're playing it, and his advice is going to lead to some real bad stuff, no doubt with this being a Denpa game.
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