A small text taken from the LiL Twitter account @AreYouHappyHere:
The lounge chair creaked as I leaned a little further back than it wanted me to. I don't know why this is the only one we have when there are five of us here, but it is what it is.
I turn the page of my book, hoping for whatever weird collection of poetry I decided to pick up today to make any sort of sense to me, but if today is anything like the last (Which it will be), I doubt that will happen. [REDACTED] walks into the room and the scent of garlic drifts off of her lavender hair and over to me. Now, I know what you're thinking. Garlic isn't really the most "romantic" of smells out there. But, strangely enough, it makes me appreciate her more. In fact, pretty much everything makes me appreciate her more.
The position she leaves her shampoo bottle in, label facing the wall. How long she takes to get ready in the morning despite never having anywhere to go. The way the light reflects off her glasses. The way she says my name. Kyoko. Kyoko. With elongated o's not because she has trouble saying it, but because it's like she doesn't want the word to end. God I want to fucking mess her up right now.
A seemingly normal day in the upside down house.
Isn't Kyoko Nodoka's mom? Also, Sensei in
Beyond the Reach of God suggests he knows this girl Kyoko is obsessed with:
"I also can’t say that I have any idea how to deal with this. So, at the risk of Nodoka
actually digging until there is no skin left on her fingers, I should probably call on someone for help."
"Someone who may or may not have experience dealing with this girl in her manic state. And someone not named Otoha since she normally just bails."
"Thankfully, I know someone just like that. And it’s someone I should have invited along from the get go."
"And while she may not have lavender hair, the perfume she wears will compensate for it."