That sounds fucked up, so she is a piece of shit but the guy who fucks wizards and literally sexually assaulted Karin is all right because "he didn't even do that much", he just pinned down a girl and assaulted her.. the 32 year old adult; while Kirin is a teen who just needs proper guidance but she is the piece of shit.
Like do you see how that sounds? *stares in disgust*.
what? I'm waiting for the punchline lol
Kirin is a piece of shit because she sexually assaulted and blackmailed someone. Multiple people can be pieces of shit, it's not exclusive. Nor did I condone Akira trying to kiss a teenager, cause if we had to point out that what he does is wrong, we would need to to do it in every single post about the game.
Also, the part you cut out of my post is that "he didn't even do that much"
in comparison to what he did to Molly. The point I'm trying to argue is that for Kirin, that knows about the Molly situation, trying to kiss her sister and apologising about it vs raping Molly and then ghosting her for months makes it seem like Karin is overreacting yes. I'm not saying she's right either, but the post is about how I think
Kirin will view the situation...
She didn't though. In Better Boy, Akira offers Karin a clean out and her exact words are:
Also, I recommend viewing this post about my thoughts on the Karin situation.
Still unsure if this was a serious reply, but there you go.