Is Sensei X anybody healthy?
If we're limiting to main cast, then no. At best I can regard some relationships and their progressions as "organic", as in Sensei didn't exploit much of his unique position to gain sexual favors as soon as possible.
Of course this is all under the premise that I am looking at everything with a filter that highly romancitizes these relationships, but even with the filter on I still can't bring myself to say even one positive thing about Sensei x Makoto.
Youre using the wrong standard to judge how healthy senseis relationship with makoto is.Realistically the only healthy relationship that sensei has is with Niki.So comparatevely speaking,yes makoto is the healthiest.
(I'll just edit this post of mine)
I am not comparing to Niki, the girl that represents the "correct choice" in this game. But still, realistically and comparatively speaking, Makoto's relationship with Sensei is anything but healthy. What Makoto does is that she against all odds still decides to love him and help him after experiencing turmoil from depression, family stuff, and all Sensei's wrongdoings
to her; this is not an indication of something healthy.
Besides, comparative to who exactly? Ayane? Futaba?
(going back to your original post and realizing that you "excluded Makoto's suicide". I imagine you're simply arguing that Sensei wasn't a contributor to her jumping, but that is a BIG cherry picking right there)