That would be more an actual generalization in reality than a strawman argument, some of us, Republicans I mean, are not as we are made out to be the way others think of us. Most of us aren't politically illiterate, either. As for the analogy, it DOES stand because, just like with this game, the nephew can get it for free by just waiting or the nephew can pay for it to get it without waiting.
This is what is bad about the leakers, they know Selebus doesn't want any of his patrons to do that and that there is an unspoken agreement, or in my case spoken because I actually told Selebus I would not give anything away that is patron only, not to do it. The leakers have broken this agreement and, as far as I am concerned, are at the mercy of Selebus as far as whether they should be allowed to keep their patron status. If it were me the leakers were breaking an agreement with, they would have been gone with no warning on the very first incident and I would be keeping track of who did it as some Patreon developers seem to be able to do. Mercy is not something I am known for when dealing with people who did something that justifies a lack of it.
Claims of full funding don't nullify the threat of piracy nor do they absolve any developer of any justification for discontinuing due to stress or anything else related to piracy. This is Patreon we're talking about, he gets the funding monthly, or in some other cases per release, not all at once where he already has access to all the money needed to pay for anything related to the project. If he was going the AAA route, where the customer pays full price in one lump sum, then you would have a point and I would agree with that point in that case.
I know, I've been called a few of those buzzwords just for existing as one. I wasn't assuming your own beliefs, by the way, I was just stating what happens in general and the phrasing was based on what you said, which sounded like you did think being called a Republican is bad. It isn't the worst thing in the world to be called and neither is any other political party name. We all have our differences, but there's no need to get hostile like some do, not that you are, no matter your beliefs, you've been perfectly civil, something that I appreciate. I absolutely hate when a discussion devolves into names and other hostile words before it has even gotten off the ground.
Who knows, it might get in, it might not. Depends on what Selebus thinks, but anal, like any other fetish, is less a case of when and more a case of if. I wouldn't mind it myself, I'm not totally hardcore in support of it or anything, but I literally have no content I don't like. I would agree with literally any content being added as long as it fits what Selebus wants to do.
Wrong on both counts. You would be correct about being unable to pirate a 'technically free' game if free was the only option, but because there is a paid option in the form of becoming a patron and that paid option is that patrons get the game early, leaking the early version is piracy.
Also this game is not created from piracy, piracy gave it a boost in the beginning in the form of publicity in pirate circles that then expanded when the people in those circles that decided to support the game, like myself, started to talk about it outside those circles. This game is a passion project for Selebus, something even he has said. That passion is what created the game, not piracy.
The assets aren't stolen, Koikatsu CharaStudio was specifically designed for this purpose and there is an option that isn't piracy open to Selebus as the developer of Koikatsu sells it on Steam for the west. That's automatically not piracy. You seem to be under the assumption he's using a copy gained for free, but nobody here has evidence that his copy isn't the Steam version
Borrowing a book and renting a movie are NOT piracy, those were permitted uses on the understanding that they would be returned to the owner, not stolen. This IS piracy because no permission for use has been given to anyone except patrons, in regards to the patron version because that is what is being pirated, and the patron is under an unspoken agreement not to give their paid assets away to anyone else. The actual owner, that's Selebus, has every right to take several different forms of action to stop it if he chose to and he has actually been very generous in not doing so, not that it would succeed since piracy can't be totally stopped.
Now to your second point, no, it would NOT be illegal. Again, this right here is what is making me think you are under the assumption that Selebus is using pirated copy of Koikatsu, but again, that is not necessarily the case and cannot be proven to be without Selebus coming back on here and directly admitting one or the other. There is a legally obtainable version of the game for westerners and he very easily could be using that. You wouldn't see this game on Steam whether it uses pirated assets or not because Steam HATES adult content to the point where every developer that goes there, including Illusion on both games they sell there, has to patch out adult content. The process of patching out content, even with as little a focus as the patched out content has in this game, is still EXTREMELY tedious and just not worth the effort. There IS, however, a price tag on this game, minimum $2 or 2 weeks of waiting according to SubscribeStar.
Fakku is a distributor, not the owner of the assets. They had no right to tell anyone what can and cannot be done when Illusion isn't involved in that decision. That Fakku business was just another shady shenanigan by Fakku.
It isn't hypocrisy to directly acknowledge that piracy, of any content and in any form, is wrong and that is what the comments here are doing. Again, not pirated to be created, you sound like you're assuming Selebus is not using the Steam version of the game, but you aren't Selebus and can't possibly know that. Yeah, we are pirates, so what, that doesn't mean we can't acknowledge what we do is wrong. Just because we do it, that doesn't mean we can't acknowledge it isn't right. I am a pirate, sure, but I restrict myself to cases where I literally have no choice except to pass up a game. I am a pirate of necessity, which is not applicable to this game because it is free after 2 weeks with the only caveat being it is one release behind.
Yeah, you got that next part right. ALL forms of piracy are wrong. does that mean pirates are going to stop? No, but it's still wrong.
Nobody is 'judging' here, the complaints are because there isn't any need to pirate this game since it is literally just a 2 week wait before you get it free. It's not like some games that are permanently behind a pay wall. If it was one of this latter case, nobody would be complaining here. I can't speak for others on my side of this issue, but I already have judged myself and I do feel guilt for doing it, especially when this game first came out and had not yet earned my support. Yeah, I admit it, I pirated Lessons in Love when it first came out because I saw no other option, being unaware it came out free two weeks later until I had already pirated it. I still feel guilt over that decision as I feel guilt that I pirate other games even with no other option available because a game is not available in my area legally, such as all but three Illusion games. I can't judge Selebus because I don't know for sure he is pirating anything. In case you're unaware, using this site is not automatically an indication that someone is a pirate. Some people don't download from here at all and only use the forum functions, I've had a ridiculous argument or two in PMs because some people who do get these games legitimately didn't like me openly calling this forum what it is, a piracy forum. One even got a mod involved in a PM as if that would do any good without rules being violated. Again, this game is legitimately obtainable through Steam.
Can't argue with that first sentence on the last part, this is truly the best game from the indie side of the industry I have ever played. Yes, it even beats some of the games it takes inspiration from.
I laughed way too hard at this. Congratulations, you're the first person to make me laugh so hard I snorted. Thankfully no one was around to hear it.
The purpose of this site is irrelevant to this argument because of the impact that purpose has to this game.
Pissing people off is entirely unavoidable, certain people and things simply existing pisses a certain group of people on Twitter and TikTok off. Here's the thing, people on here who do pirate, including me, because yes there are people here who do not, DO have questionable morals. My morals are seriously fucked up, I see any game I want that I cannot legally get as a target instead of just ignoring it because I can't get it legally. I HAVE gotten in trouble with my ISP for accidentally forgetting my precautions against them when I tried to bite off more than I could chew and went after some big name games like Fallout 4. Very stupid move with Bethesda, I was lucky all I got was a notice to knock it off.
This third section, that's all we're even saying. We aren't trying to be mean or anything negative, we just don't get how people can have a legitimate free avenue for the game open to them with just two weeks of waiting and still go ahead and pirate it. When I pirated this game, yes, I admit it and I still feel the guilt, I didn't even know that free avenue existed because the first free release hadn't even been done yet, but nobody has that excuse at this point, it's been out for over a year. We who are defending the two week wait just legitimately cannot understand why people don't just adhere to it when it is totally free and you don't miss anything in game with that version. It is perfectly understandable with games that have no free version or that have content that is restricted in the free version, but for a game where no restrictions are placed on the free version except a wait, the reason eludes us.
Exactly, part of the reason I still do it is because I know Selebus does pop his head in here on occasion and I don't want to seem as if I stopped caring. I comment to show him when he does pop in that there are people in here who do openly and legitimately care about the game's and his success. Piracy is showing the opposite as is remaining silent about it. There is no end goal because there is no end, I am not foolish enough to think every pirate on this forum would heed my words.
I mean, not other people, no, but I certainly was and still am telling myself that. I still feel the guilt from when I did pirate this game even though, when I did, I couldn't have know there was a free option. As for that last part, there is a distinct difference between just downloading for free and pirating when a legitimate free option is available. I still beat myself up over it, daily. I do it for every game, not even just this one, but even the games where legitimate purchase isn't an option.
Nor can anyone defending him tell him how to feel. It does help the smaller games that are just starting and don't have very big fan bases, but when the developer is seeing consistent drops in new patron numbers timed pretty much perfectly with leaks, piracy is hurting it. That is the case here, Selebus has said as much. This is a passion project, again as said by Selebus, it would get to this point regardless, the only difference would have been in how much longer it took him or if we, the public, ever even saw the game at all.
The last part's first sentence is very true, this is why piracy will never cease in general. I actually don't play with any kind of help, I normally just let the chips fall where they will. If I screw up even one event, game over, I start over from the beginning. That's the part the people defending Selebus don't get, including myself, an admitted pirate. There IS a more convenient option than piracy, waiting two weeks gets the same result and no risk or negativity.
Exactly, it would be a different story if Koikatsu didn't have a Steam version.
Pretty much what Pawel101 said, she's suffering from losing the Sensei she knows, that's going to negatively affect her and that resulted in the way she is. She's trying to cope and it's obviously failing.
Nipples actually do exist in Koikatsu, I'm pretty sure any copy that doesn't have them is the Steam version and hasn't had the patch applied. Also, not sure how good Selebus is at photoshopping, but that is another avenue to add them, though I can say with absolute certainty the ones featured in Lessons in Love are legitimately from Koikatsu.
Yes, going back to a point where you hadn't missed the event in question and completing it. Having already missed it? No, that isn't possible.