I'd say a year (or perhaps more at this point..) Should be plenty enough patience, especially if we are talking about a developer having a temper tantrum and yanking content in retalliation. That's just a bad move all around. There is no need to punish your entire viewer base just to 'get back' on a few troublemakers.
(I believe it's been a lot longer than a year by now... I can't remember the exact date the content was pulled, but it feels like a lot longer than a year.)
No content was yanked because of a tantrum. Now you're just making shit up.
When he started the game, he wanted to get eyeballs on the game, and felt he had to have some early sex content to make that happen -- that a slow burn would never gain traction. So a couple of the girls jump into sexy time straight out of the gate. But that never sat well with him, so once the game had a following, he started making plans to rework the early game to stretch out the pacing for those girls. He first announced this around the start of chapter 2.
Patreon forced his hand around November/December of 2021, so he had to go through and make a sanitized version of the game for Patreon, with a subscriber patch that would unlock the actual version of the game. That appeased Patreon for all of two months, and in January of last year they deleted the page. Chapter 2 wrapped in February, and he started on the rework he had been planning for over a year at this point. Patreon had nothing to do with the major rework, Patreon had already burned that bridge before work even started.
Sex was removed from the early game because he never wanted it to be there in the first place. He had compromised his vision for the game to get attention early on, and once he had a following, he un-fucked what he believed he had fucked up.
It wasn't a tantrum, it was reshaping the early game to match what he wanted it to be.