Earlier today I started a new game. Some like a lot of scenes have changed at some point.
Does anybody have any ideas on why Miku is in the room with clocks?
imo a lot of things were changed because enough subtext and circumstantial evidence existed to draw conclusions, that sel didnt want the player to arrive at. which explains why when i did my 2nd play through a month ago due to missing an event SO MANY sana events were changed. you know the events were changed because the skip button stops.
that being said the skip button also stops for typos that were corrected.
as for specific scenes... selebus thought of things he wanted to add to the game later but didnt have the 'ability' to do so at the time like moyo... there are a few other reasons but those are rather minor like sel not liking how you get sex scenes so early into the game and deleted some or rearranged events to fit
sel also didnt like the fact the game was really good in chapter 1 compared to 2 and 3 and wanted to lower the quality to match