Yeah, u2 acting that way kinda seems out of role.
The event seems like a punishment for Maya for acting beyond what she is allowed.
Also iterations of Maya seem to be associated with u1/hope. Her and Ami. Or, enteties looking alike.
Feels like Maya is forced to work for u1/hope, for whatever reason.
I'd like to say that in return she's able to survive resets.
And maybe the boxes are offerings or sacrifices. (while i do have another theory there.)
But it would contradict how u2 seems to be responsible for resets.
Unless, resets are one thing, and u1 let's Maya know they will happen, and safes her.
Considering User1/Callous god, seemed to be responsible for Maya almost missing the reset where she had the Nightmare, I don't think it's on her side at all. Not to mention how the Happy Events seem to torture a version of her, even crucifying Amiokay Maya, and how "Teacher"/Sekai hates her.
Btw, if you translate what the Angels are saying in "The Scary Room" main event, they mention preferring Maya in the chair. That chair likely being the one that sexually tortured Amiokay Maya in the "How I feel" Happy Event.
I think User1 is just unable to get rid of Maya like it wants to. Creating abominations of her as some sort of failed attempts to seduce Sensei away from her. Similar to how Mangled/Happy Ami had that Maya doll.
Whether it's Sekai, Ami, or other Mayas, I hope we do get an answer to what Maya saw, but who knows when that'll be.
Also I think User1 tried to pretend being "User2" when Molly was almost raped in "Lavender's Green":
Hence the points being mentioned, but not actually being given, and all the fake options. Much like Maya being reset was mentioned, but didn't actually happen in "The Scary Room".
Similar to how the god of wires can alter visuals but Nozomu can't, I think things like resets and points are User2's things, while User1 can't actually do that. Nozomu and User1 on the other hand can seem to create and mess with things. Tangle wires, use Assets, create dreams, bring things into the loops like Sekai, etc. As long as it doesn't break the "rules".
I also think things like Maya breaking Sensei, and Psycho Ami are due to User1 adding things to their "codes". Things comparable to viruses that trigger under certain conditions. Niki might also have one too.
Then again, I could be way off.