While I'm with you in here and understood Maya's words in the same way, it's not 100% confirmed that's how it is. For example, Todd being killed could hint that Psycho Ami has been going unleashed for a while now. It's not a contradiction since Ayane's been babbling about the loop since she survived the reset, maybe puttin Ami on alert. Still, it must be noted that this happened AFTER she confronted Ami about Akira and can't be discarded as a cause of triggering. If it was her obviously, Todd's dead is weird and seems the consecuence of a moment of rage rather than something planned since it wasn't followed with a threat letter to Ayane or something.
Now, I'm more interested in information Maya keep saving to herself. What happens to the girls attacked by Ami? Do they die and instantly go back to life? Are they revived after a reset if Sensei makes it thorugh? Are their memories rewritten? How many of them? Do they get scarred in some way? Because if nothing changes, what's the point?
Was Maya a target at least once? Odds are that she was with all the imagery of she being crucified and tortured. There's also confimation of Ami being jealous of her and not really buying her disdain for Sensei. And she was the culprit of trigering Ami many times. Why would she be spared then? Now again, if that happened, how did she survive with her memories and everything?
Maya know the answers to most of these if not all questions. No reason to being cryptic and leave us in the dark anymore.
I did say that Maya could be wrong. Still, it is 100% what Maya said. It's quite possible she could be wrong though, and it wouldn't be the first time.
The Todd thing doesn't really make much sense to be Psycho Ami as Maya knows her. I mean, why kill Ayane's chicken without her knowing, instead of Ayane herself? The way Maya framed Psycho Ami, she would apparently break and humiliate the girls themselves, and Sensei. There's also how Maya knew Todd was missing, but didn't seem to think it's a big deal or at least didn't go "did you tell Ami?". So, it's either something new that Psycho Ami could have done for some reason without changing Ami in a notable way, or one of the other handful of beings in the background got him.
Not to mention, Todd's been missing since after Ayane got to the roof and survived. Ayane confronting Ami about her and Sensei is optional, and it took place after Todd had already disappeared. I don't really think those two things correlate. There's also how Ayane accepts Ami and Sensei's relationship which would likely keep Psycho Ami at bay, anyway, instead of bringing her out even if she was triggered.
I do think Maya is hiding things, but I'm beginning to think it's not actually because she's "cryptic". I think much like The Shapeshifter, and the Narrator that was wondering if everyone is lying, Maya has to follow certain rules. Might even be an "Honorary Angel" like AmIOkay Maya is. It's also possible that Maya wanted Psycho Ami to awaken now. Out of everyone, Maya is the only one who has an idea of how to trigger her and how to get rid of her (considering Psycho Ami has come and gone and Maya witnessed it). Makoto telling Ami about the resets, after Maya told Makoto to text her questions she had, also seems odd. This coming up soon after Maya's trust had been questioned by Tsuneyo, and Makoto, who Maya doesn't seem to be a fan of, noticed the loops, also seems suspicious.
Maybe having Maya question her own memories is the trigger for Psycho Maya? Lmao. Overall: We'll have to wait and see before most things get answered. It's possible that Maya even made up the Psycho Ami stuff. Ami hasn't:
anyone in this timeline yet. At least as far as has been revealed.