There is a problem with sacrificing girls without real choice and this problem is called "35 single endings". I mention Maya's death because idea of fighting entire world to return her (or other girl with equal value) someway converges with storytelling vector, but if there would be multiple ressurections in the end it would became Shaman King. And by ressurection i mean return of identity gone with reset, not a simple new Maya in new cycle.
Nonetheless i expect some real choices with consiquences anyway, because it is essential part of real darkness. Just in the way when Selebus would not be forced to write multiple versions of any group event
I was thinking more of a "god has decided you must tribute one girl from the rooftop or be reset", and you get to choose between Ayane or Maya, but no matter what, god takes Maya. You either have to deal with Maya feeling betrayed before being reset, or Ayane feeling betrayed and watching the girl you chose over her be reset anyway.
I do think that being "reset" isn't really a game over scenario though. Take Sensei for example, he's been reset countless times, yet he's still regaining memories. Even if Maya gets reset, she might just come back later on. Although, I think she might prefer some memories staying gone.
I am hoping those "35 endings" aren't just variations of the same things except the girl is pregnant in their second ending, though. If Sel goes that route then he could easily create over 40 endings just by giving each main girl one pregnant ending and then a non-pregnant version of that ending. (Something I find incredibly lazy in Multiple Ending games)
Still, I definitely expect some real choices with real consequences down the line. Some endings being like Nodoka and God Sensei turning the rest of the cast into sex puppets forever, or Sensei losing his mind and being swallowed up by an infinite amount of variations of Sekai that rape him eternally, would be interesting. I am definitely curious whether the "True ending" will be considered a Happy ending or more of a somber acceptable ending.