Some extra chapter 3 stats
1) Chapter 3 was 437 days from 0.25.0part1 to 0.36.0. Chapter 2 was 459 days, so surprisingly it wasn't a record. Or was, if we start measuring from 0.24.0 release. Anyways it is close
2) 0.27.0 is 80k words for 22 events, which is all-time record of events size
3) On the other side, 0.29 is 20 events and 60k words in 69 (nice) days, which is an anti-record of game development speed (excluding 0.24.0). 0.36 is going to be new record holder if we ignore generic events, so chapter 3 is not that suck by comparsion
4) There is 520k words in 2023 and 525k words in 2022. The trick is that 0.24, which took 4 months, doesn't count. However, 300k of 2022 worlds are made in 4 months of chapter 3 development. Netherless, chapter 3 is still slowest with average 1876 words per day.
Looking forward for 2024. 200 planned events is still less than average (237), but at least average event size in chapter 3 is 3131 words, compated to all-time average of 2703, so my approximation is 626k words agains average 602k