I definitely think, if anyone has plot armor in this game, it's Ayane.
The Shapeshifter actually seemed to break the rules to help Ayane, during the last Beach Vacation:
and Ayane may literally have plot armor as part of the plot right now. She seemed confident about things going well for her, recently:
In a more meta sense, even Sel, during the Rework, deleted Events that made Ayane look bad:
Like when she sucked off Sensei under his desk while Ami was talking about wanting to spend time with him. (It's on Sensei's computer)
There's also how Kirin was incredibly lax with her blackmailing. I mean, don't get me wrong, it was messed up, but Kirin could have and probably would have done way worse, if she was allowed to.
There's not really much of a reason that Kirin wouldn't have Ayane eating her out or be eating her out. Pictures, videos, etc. Instead, there's only like 3 Events related to it, and it began back in Chapter 1 lasting until Chapter 3. That's months if not a year of blackmailing, by someone who rationalizes that sexual assault is okay, according to a Narrator:
and got turned on while thinking Molly was raped while drunk:
It's immersion breaking if you really think about it.
I don't necessarily want Ayane to suffer, but I would appreciate something that makes her feel less invincible.
Even Paper City showed her as being literally unstoppable: