Now that you brought up the subject, Pareidolia in the short time he appeared showed himself to be quite insensitive towards Akira and Maya while Hope, even though he was disappointed with Akira, he didn't punish him, Hope just abandoned him and didn't punish him. And there's another thing, Hope was even preparing Sana for Akira so he could take what doesn't belong to him and help Akira.
How many things could we have thought were Hoper speaking insensitively and were actually Paredolia? so much so that Paredolia revealed that he can keep changing the dialogues and the ways he speaks, so there is a high chance that we are being deceived as to which god has his titles and which one is really on Akira's side.
And another thing is that Yasu always mentions that Hopper wants to help Akira and even in the scene that shows that Hopper is getting stressed with Akira he doesn't do anything to punish him, Hopper always had a chance to punish Akira for not do what he asks and still didn't do anything.
And another one on Halloween who controlled Akira to abuse Molly and controlled him to force Yumi was Wire/USER 2 since it was in his city and doing this resulted in even more trauma for Akira and seeing that it wasn't Hopper who did it This is very strange since from "his" dialogues he is the one who would have the courage to do this and from what I remember it could be wrong but I think that Hopper spo controlled Akira only once.
So if Hopper is really on Akira's side it will be a good plot twist and if so I apologize for the thousands of swear words I hurled at Hopper.
Thanks DesKel, you gave me something to review the events of the game and a very important theory to think about