I always find it interesting when people talk about their favorite characters, since it gives me a chance to understand other people's interests and preferences instead of just my own. I love Kaori, but never thought of her as top tier per se. What makes you like her so much?
Huh, where to start…
- Kaori’s incredibly endearing and fun to converse with. Her phrasing of words in her broken way of speaking is honestly pretty cute.
- Her unfortunate circumstances relating to
her injuries after it’s hinted that she was in a car accident are really sad and make me sympathize with her. You immediately understand her mannerisms and way of speaking after you learn this about her.
- She’s the best damn waitress around!
- Kaori’s heterochromia (double eye color) is a unique design choice and physically makes her stand out.
- Her relation to
Yumi and Yuki fills in the blanks to Kaori’s past even further, yet still leaves us wondering just what she was like before
the accident.
- The fact that she really cherishes her friendship with Akira, due to the fact that all her other past ‘friends’ ran away due to how strangely she acted. It’s wholesome stuff.
- How motherly she’s becoming with Nao-chan. Clearly Kaori doesn’t have experience going for her, but she’s doing her best.
- Oh yeah, not to mention how freakin’
Sekai is literally possessing her at will every now and then, which contributes even more to the game’s overall mystery.
Sooo yeah. A lot to love about Kaori.