When i was rereading some old events, i was thinking about what could differentiate the people we interact with the shadow people, you know, those in the background, that may or may not even real people to begin with. And then i thought about it how much some of the characters actually share some traits with akira. Like, guilt, abandonment issues, loss of a important person, self loathing, not been able to let go, not been a good person and all that.
I have often stated that i did believe this whole timeloop thing did feel like it was there to punish maya. But what if this isnt really so much about her and akira, but about everyone with a face? I mean especially the loss part and/or been abandonet is something a lot of characters share in one way or the other.
Chika and Chinami, abandonet by father iirc and lost the mother.
Yumi, abandonet by mother, neglected by father.
Ayane, neglected by father, i dont remember anything about her mother right now, not even if she was ever mentioned, so i will just assume she is out of the picture as well.
Sara and Sana, father left, lost bother/son.
Makoto, Maki lost father/husband, i mean he was already so long out of the picture even before his death and neglected by her mother that she started to project her need for a father figure on to him for a while already.
Miku, lost parents.
Futaba, i am not sure if she actually did qualify for the loss/abandonment in any way. At least i cant recal anything in that regard. Feel free to correct if there is something i just dont remember.
Rin, abandonet by both parents and got adopted.
Ami, lost both parents.
Maya, i think we can assume she lost both parents or got abandonet by them? Never clearly stated what, but something is clearly going on.
Molly, i mean she did left her home, family and friends, so i guess that counts? Maybe her mother is dead?

At least i always just remember her talking about her father.
Tsuneyo, mother is dead i think, and her father is dying for a few million years by now, you know, how normal do these things.
Uta, she lost her grandfather, or at least i think that was uta.

Io, i dont remember if we ever got told it, but she is living with her aunt, so something must have happened even when i dont remember what.
Nodoka, i have actually no idea. Dont remember if that was ever brought up. But the fact how hard on she is for becomming his daughter has to count for something.
Otoha, i actually have no idea. I mean her parents are still there. But maybe the whole bother thing with him is hinting at something.
Touka, neglected by father.
Yasu, was adopted and after that i guess we can assume those new parents did abandon her as well.
Noriko, Niki, they both got abandoned by Akira.
Kirin, Karin, this is a hard one, because i cant think of anything that would qualify them her.
Haruka, her husband is gone for a while now.
Kaori, isnt it stated that her parents died in the accident? Yeah, think it is and then everyone believed her to be dead as well.
Yuki, did abandon her daugther and i guess she herself didnt really had contact to her family for whatever reason.
Wakana, Osako, i dont know, i mean Wakana did cut ties with her rich family, but beyond that i cant think of anything.
Tsukasa, neglected by the whole family as the backup daughter.
Imani, was there not something about some dead siblings? At least i remember that been implied to be connected to her burns.
Rika, got kicked out by her spouse.
Nao, got clearly abdandoned by her eldritch family. Probably because she was just too creepy even for them.
Edit for some corrections, note of thanks go to LoveBlueHairedGirl.