Hope calling himself "The thing with feathers" is pretty much a pun to discribe it's name.
From wiki:
"Hope" is the thing with feathers
"'Hope' is the thing with feathers" is a lyric poem in ballad meter written by American poet Emily Dickinson.
We know Sel has a thing for poems, it's all over the place.
Doesn't make Hope bird related, unless that was the purpose for including the relation.
I also didn't read the article, so maybe there is more to it, like, what the poem(s) is/are about. But i personally don't think so.
I just made it all up pretty cool to see everyone talking about a random conspiracy
Or you did it because subconsciously you remembered something, or you're afraid because it seems silly.
But at least Maya is very likely in cahoots with one or more gods.
As someone else pointed already out "The Scary Room" seems to imply this.
Another thing is the four colored silhouettes somewhere during a happy/reset event, i think after solving one of the puzzles.
They applaud him for making it there: "You did it", "We knew you'd make it", something like that.
If you look into the files (i think it's definitions.rpy) the color codes used for those four match exactly four girls/women we know.
One of them is Maya.
I'm not really sure what thats supposed to mean, but it puts those four at least in a different league.
Could make them the four gods, could tie them to the four gods. Could be Sel trying to confuse people.