Just finished rewatching Somnambula, which is the string of events Sekai's name is finally revealed and my god. What a ride.
So I'm not an expert on Ami, therefore most of this is new to me. But as she tries to read one of Sekai's poems, she breaks for a few seconds. Then when riding the bus back home something takes hold of her, and she keeps saying she sees the light, and that they're being tested to see if they're worth of heaven, and asking if Akira believes in god. All very HOPE things to say.
So let's recap: All this happens in the last stretch of Winter, during chapter 2. Also, the context of this sequence is that Kaori got lost in the old district and went to Tojo's with Akira. She started fighting a lot with Tsuneyo and when a blackout happened she disappeared. The very next day, Sekai appears to wake Akira (but it's just Ami wearing her clothes - she reveals that she went into the attic and opened her boxes). When Akira and Ami visit Sekai's grave, Sekai not only appears but her name is revealed (and she leaves saying she had shit to do).
Then Ami goes on a date with Akira and after breaking for a few second from reading Sekai's poems (and Sekai saying she had shit to do), Ami suffers the influence of something that talks about heaven, light and HOPE stuff, but IS NOT HOPE. Well, what is it? Cause its intentions seem to have Akira become a King in its place, or at least live in a world post-resets with her.