There's also how I'm sure people missed the whole Sensei's a pedo in denial stuff, throughout the game, and now it's getting more and more blatant. Even though, it has been at least implied since Maya's 'A Place That Can Only Exist in Our Minds' Chapter 2 Event. Especially if you find the secret image:
(Albeit, the rework has a wizard Maya show up in the 1st Happy Event, and has Sensei freaking out about "petting the cat", mentioning her purity, and showing her true love, etc)
And again implied by Sensei having younger pics of Maya, by the end of Chapter 2, which was seemingly mentioned again by New Maya recently:
I guess, watching Sekai suck off and jerk off a wizard/warlock Sensei back in Chapter 3 wasn't enough of a deal breaker.