Bro, this second event of Io, in my opinion, doesn't make any narrative sense because how the hell is her story going to develop now? In my opinion, it would make a lot more sense to leave there than for this to happen, especially knowing her trauma, it doesn't make sense, Selly thinks you can cure a victim of sexual abuse with sex. This event only served to screw Io and Akira's heads even more and make many more people stop wanting 100% of the game. There's a quote from Akira and Maya that says, “Sometimes forcing people to do things they're not comfortable with is the best way to get them forward.” BUT THIS DOESN'T WORK FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE LIKE IO, so it doesn't make any sense, I swear I'm trying to understand Selly, but it seems like he got lost in this part because if he tries to make Io start liking sex just for the sake of it , it's going to be the most pointless thing in the world, so I'm still trying to understand what crazy plan Selly is trying to make for Io's story because what he did in this event doesn't make sense for things to progress in the future