Holy moly, this update dropped so much clarity from what Nodoka said. It pieces everything together and explains why Akira gets blackouts. His mind is drifting to other planes that are right ontop of the one they're in, like other timelines and just other locations. His is more mind related, Futaba even did it with her body. I noticed this has happened more and more to other characters, like Nao. From what I see they have one timeline which is consistently reset over and over at certain points, trapping them in a loop. But there are other timelines. Though I don't think they are the same as the one the current resetting is taking place. The fact Nodoka figured that out on her own is just....very impressive. I don't even blame her for doing what she did honestly, looks like Akira doesn't either. Man this game is making me addicted.
The points about the keys earlier and all the eggs also makes sense. Falls in line with the Gods that can either toy with them or help them. Using those gates to travel, also about the so called heaven we see and so much more. Nodokas quest for knowledge, asking about her mother. Sana, and yumi also getting closer to discovering the truth. It's all coming together...and I need more. So entertaining. It also explains the egg being needed for Futaba as well, to leave
I am starting to think Yumi has been with, and done stuff with Akira. The way they speak, these "detentions". Yeah...also Mayas affection being reset to fricking zero. That sucks, I wonder if it's really being pushed she is a new person, and will try and change how she acts for Akira to make him adjust to this new Maya too. Lastly...RIP Chika. I just knew that would happen, and was bound to happen eventually. Honestly, I do kinda hope that fake relationship ends because it's just not healthy in many ways. Plus, it's about time they got it out of the way that Chika is not really a girlfriend to him imo. I do think he cares about her but finally she is waking up to this stuff