So, imagine the dark route is about everyone hating Akira because of his actions as a predator\rapist\man-slut\pedo\hebe\etc, xdd
But I can't imagine someone like Ayane would stop liking Sensei. Only if she will be hard resetted, but that would be a dick move from Selebus
I think Ayane is not exclusive in that, I believe most characters would have a hard time truly hating Akira for being who he is
currently. Look at Io, Yumi, Karin/Kirin, Chika, Noriko, etc. who would have very good reasons to cut ties with him for what he has done to them or what they learned about him, yet they still like him.
So I think that either it will take a lot more for them to hate him, or it will not be about hating
him, but
hating themselves.
There has been a lot of set-up done already about Akira ruining the girls. Not physically, but mentally. Io and Chika are the first ones that might crack, Io is already severally mentally unstable, Chika is about to go batshit crazy, other things might happen that will cause others to follow suit.
Look at Karin's latest event, on the surface it looks like it was about patching things up between them, ensuring that Akira is actually "a good guy" and Karin potentially trusting him again in the near future. But I fear it might be a bad omen, when he basically promises her
it won't happen again, I can sense Pareidolia chuckling in the background, planning to make him abuse her (eventually) renewed trust and do even worse things to her, not only breaking Karin but Kirin along the way as well.
With Miku's latest development, I could imagine Akira making her become sexually traumatized, having her associate sex with the trauma of her parent's murders.
Even an Ayane could go through some severe trauma, most likely related to her being a mother, whether it be about an abortion, still birth, witnessing Akira fucking a shapeshifting Himawari who then reveals herself as Ayane's daughter etc. who knows what sick plans Sel has for those dark timelines.
Basically, the whole harem chapters are, in a certain sense, establishing everyone's weaknesses, mental issues and soft spots.
And I could imagine the dark route being about the gods wanting Akira to exploit those, causing the girls to go through severe trauma. (Why that would need to happen is beyond me tbh)
And the purity routes being Akira "fixing" them back up to complete the simulation, as Moonflare mentioned, potentially even changing the course of time by helping them overcome their insecurities and mental instabilities before anything can happen when resetting back to the beginning.
Just spit balling here, but I feel like this could be how it will develop, more or less.