I have a few observations/funfacts from the replay that didn't make to their own post because I was trying to speedrun chapter 2 to catch up to my schedule:
I'll be damned but I'd never skip a like on a detailed Moonflare replay post, even while under the influence of 1 ½ bottles worth or vodka forcefully poured by your uncle (Eastern European bros will understand).
Regardless, very valid points made. I'm not sure if it's an individual and subject experience since it was when I played the game for the longest consecutively, but I feel like chapter 2 was really the best and most "wholesome", with lots of character development, the integration of dorm 2 and lots of stuff prior to miserable and depressed Akira. Chapter 3 was of course also very good but 2 laid the foundations I feel like.
Just kind of felt like I had to mention it since you yourself said you rushed through it.
That being said, there's no way in hell you'll be able to catch up to .46 before the update.
This is not meant as a challenge, it's just highlighting how long this game is and how deep it goes. I myself thoght I might be able to replay it all before the new year and I began a lot earlier than you and am still way behind.
Shit's long as fuck.