ATTENTION SELEBUS: I am contacting you indirectly by radio frequency so the damn Reds don't pick up on our transmissions. Here's the scoop: just tried recommending Lessons in Love to someone and they said they wouldn't play a game that hasn't updated in over a year. I say what the hell, Lessons in Love has the best-damn release schedule ever seen among wegs and got an update just a couple days ago in fact. They say check the page, game's dead Jim. Hell's bells, fine, I do. And using quick wits I determine the problem.
Bzzrt... You still on? You gotta post new development logs, man, even if you don't include anything but a download link. I don't know all the nuances here but I can't imagine there's any red tape here. You're losin' readers!
Hm? What's that? All I hear is static... hold your damn horses, I'm turning the dial! Alright, alright, message received: "
What kind of retard is so unobservant they wouldn't look 2 inches up and see the latest download link was posted only 78 days ago? Hell, I don't want anyone that stupid playing my game anyway. If I don't want to do dev logs I'm not about to start for plebs. And definitely not after being advised to by a guy I have on my ignore list like everyone else. That'd make me seem pliable to external forces."
SENDING REPLY... Don't give me that, man! You know it's sophistry! It's a natural god-damn human tendency to always justify inaction: my momma taught me it was called 'rat-ion-a-li-zation.' Look up the 2009 article 'Beware Trivial Inconveniences' on Lesswrong dot com! You wanna minimize any obstacle to user acquisition and retention whatsoever! What seems trivial to you could be causing untold damage! Don't you want more readers?
Listen guy, first of all, fuck you. Second of all, someone likely told me this in the past one point five years and I ignored it then. Get a clue: there's a good reason that dev log isn't updating. I'm dialing off this frequency. Drink full and descend, bitch.
Don't you da- Selebus? Selebus, god damnit! Answer..... Fine. You know what, fine. Nobody ever said shilling a game for free was ever going to be easy. If that's how you wanna be: so be it then! I'll just take my copy-paste file and add "DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THE STAGNENT DEVELOPMENT LOG: ITCH.IO CHARGES $1,000 PER UPDATE AND HAS FORCED THE DEVELOPER TO HAVE A HALF-ABANDONED PAGE DESPITE HIS ABSOLUTELY 100% OOZING PASSION FOR THE GAME AND ALSO LOVE FOR THE PLAYERBASE. DO NOT BE PUT OFF. KINO AWAITS."