I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but was the Christmas event a limited time thing? I ask because I haven't seen it yet, and asides from some pink events with the girls, I've caught up on all content. When should it have happened? Perhaps I should try re-downloading, maybe it's bugged?
Also, is it possible to not miss any events if you do them in a certain order? For example, on Rin's profile it says I have 1 missed event which I assume was from how I handled the promise I made with her about Chika. And I saw someone mention that if you do Chika's "Schadenfreude" event after the beach event it helps your relationship with Rin, would I be able to see that missed Rin event if I did thing that way, for example?
As it is now, yes, it is possible to miss events, especially like the Rin event you mentioned, but also any lust events, the pink ones. In order to get those, the character must have a certain number in their lust stat, however, you mention the Christmas events as well as several lust events, which are the pink ones.
However, if you do things just right, you will not miss anything and main events like the Christmas event cannot be missed. Only character and 'happy' scene events can be missed, which includes invite over and lust events.
The lust events you need are likely set after the point at which the Christmas event takes place. Have you completed "There is Nothing" yet? It should trigger the Christmas stuff right after and two of the lust events take place during the Christmas event.
You don't have any incomplete main events?
As of now, it is possible to not miss any events if you do them in the right order. Your Chika/Rin example is backwards, though. You need to do the beach event before Schadenfreude.
And I saw someone mention that if you do Chika's "Schadenfreude" event after the beach event
You might want to reread that, he did say it right, just from the Chika perspective instead of the Rin perspective.
Think of it like this, the beach event is the Rin side of the lockout, Schadenfreude is the Chika side of the lockout.
The way you put it is from the perspective of the beach event, Rin's side of the lockout, so do the beach event before Schadenfreude.
The way he put it is from the perspective of Schadenfreude, Chika's side of the lockout, so do Schadenfreude after the beach event. Literally the same thing in different words.
Yeah, there is a route for all the perfectionists so do things in the right order and you won't miss any events (for now). General rule of thumb is that you want to raise all character lust to at least 20-25 before tackling the beach event (I made it 60 via save editor), and you never want to reject a character that wants to fuck you.
Also, did you get all the happy scenes and do the second reset? Christmas events should come after that. Click on the progress bar to see what events you're missing
Also, guide:
Find the events you're missing on it if you get stuck.
Be careful how you put that, I do believe 20 is the point at which the dreaded Schadenfreude triggers, so you should also mention NOT to go to the location of that event once Chika reaches the required number, which I know for a fact is at least somewhere in the 20-25 range.