You mean when he finds her at the bathtub? Not that I'm trying to look too deep into this but I'm fairly certain it must've just been a normal reaction as a teenage girl seeing as the last time the both of them were in the same bathroom it was when she was much more younger. That could've just been her in shock that the Sensei she thought she knew suddenly did an action that wasn't fitting. Doesn't really mean she didn't have those incestuous feeling for him. Also she could've done many other things to please him if it meant him not leaving her, like I've said before I'm sticking to the theory that her slip of the tongue that morning between them was much more than just her trying to keep him from leaving her. It could've also been an isolated incident but it doesn't make it any less weird with the whole assigning nickname stuff that's transpired prior. Which is why I want to be granted in the future of this game to be able to look further into the Arakawas.
That's precisely what I mean, I was being vague to not have to use inline spoilers as I use those when specific details are stated. While it is true that most of it was her as a teen, there was no indication of anything else. You would think she would at least have a faint sign of arousal or some other sign of incestuous feelings. It was only later that we saw signs that she was attracted to him sexually.
The slip of the tongue was not related to her trying to get him to stay, that, I believe, was an isolated incident of remembering them, which can happen at the worst of times. However, the act of having sex was.
She saw that the other girls were getting close and, since she is unaware of any other sexual relations as of right now, she offered what she thought was the one thing they weren't giving him. She was intentionally appealing to his baser insticts to keep him wrapped around her finger, not even aware he had been with others or that he already intended to do this with her on his own terms anyway.
I'm not sure this would have worked on old Sensei, but it did on player Sensei because he let it.
Hell, I'm not even sure it's canonical at this point. Sel's said he regrets putting it in, so I'd just view it as a bonus scene until it matters one way or the other.
I just view it as some sort of hallucination triggered by a certain entity that also forced him to kiss a certain other girl.
Well, the poster I was responding to did reply saying they think Ami and her father did have a romantic/sexual relationship, and since Ami would had to have been underage at that time, it would have been sexual abuse but I don't really wanna get caught up in semantics like that

I think Ami did not have a romance with her father. It's possible but I think it's more likely that Ami either had incestuous thoughts that became amplified after their passing or that she developed these feelings after her parents passed away.
I think we agree on why Ami is afraid of losing Sensei for the most part. Him being the last of her family is only part of what I think scares her.
I worked with troubled kids for 3 years so she has a bit of a soft spot for me. Yes, she's rough around the edges. She's hostile, aggressive, and wants the world to know she doesn't need anybody, but that's all an act. I'm excited to (hopefully) watch her life get better and learn to let people in and not lewd her once lol
I don't think they did. I think they were closer than normal, but not that close, I agree with you on that. I think the incestuous thoughts came after as a result of her connection to old Sensei as well as her father being forced into one even stronger connection toward player Sensei.
Even then, I don't think she would have crossed the line of actually doing something on her own without the threat of the other girls taking that connection away.
Knowing the genre of this game, Denpa, we might not see her life get better for a few years IF it does. I can say the same on all characters.
That said, I do hope it does on the true route.
On Yumi's aggressiveness, you can also see a bit of a maternal side in it, especially around Chinami. Along with Chika, she's been forced into a sort of big sister or mother role and, while Chika is the mom/sister who doesn't mess around, but lets the kid take some chances like meeting player Sensei, Yumi is the mom/sister that finds the idiot dumb enough to bully their kid/younger sister and beats them to a pulp.
I've said this before, but she's like a mother bear, fierce when needed, gentle when not. That's what has me starting to like her.
Yeah, it's kind of best you don't try to get into the semantics of this game. Seeing as we've already established that this game doesn't really have any moral-grandstandings. You're a grown man trying to get into the pants of teenage girls. Also yes I am trying to allude into the theory that Ami had more than just "love" for her Father, hence my posts. I'm not trying to specify that she had anything sexual in nature between them either. Just that she likely had incestuous fantasies for her late Father, hence my talking about the nickname assigning and the slip of the tongue later down her route. That is all.
On the first part, basically, yeah, there is no real high ground in this game morally, at least not on this route. She might have had some incestuous feelings, but she seems to have never acted on them until the events of the game. She also might not have wanted to until she was pushed into it by the other girls getting too close for her comfort.