It's mostly because we seem to put more focus on the story that unfolded in the latest update at the time and how it relates to previous updates and opens up possibile paths for the next. We don't really get into the big picture as a whole and branch out further than the next steps. A few exceptions include the theories on Kaori's weirdness, whether we have to watch our backs around Ami, and the same around Ayane. The first had some pretty interesting takes while the others seem to not have gone very far. Ayane seems to be calming down and Ami still seems to be getting riled up at every girl that walks in the door, but no closer to pulling a knife. However, the new girls brought in a third that's a real wild card, Noriko. Things like that tend to bring up discussion.Hello hello.
So ive been reading through about 150 pages (about 8 hrs) in this thread to find out what people think the whole story might be about.
Couldnt find much in that regard.
So i wondered if theres a place where people talk about that (theories).
As for the stuff that doesn't get talked about, that's usually because something bigger swept it under the rug. Also, yes, Selebus is fully aware of the theories going around and I swear I sometimes see little nods in game, sometimes very close to exact copies of points made here, some of which were specifically made by me, that's how I recognize them.