Who do I have to jerk off to get people to stop calling this a porn game when it’s mathematically less than 10% pornographic
I very much understand that this would feel reductive, and also would concern you, as a very talented author and game maker, that it would limit the scope of your player base to have it widespread referred to in this manner. I do not personally think of the game this way, although part of the reason I enjoy it is that less than 10% that titillates.
I also understand why people do call it that, however. Regardless of the amount of pornographic content, the goal of the main character (though not the goal of the story, I know) is to have sex, and have a lot of it. In most of the Leisure Suit Larry games, the main character tended to get a lot less sex than we see in your game, but I'm sure it was also referred to as a porn game for similar reasons.
This isn't to say I don't understand why it upsets you. It makes perfect sense, since this game does not deserve a sole focus on its more naughty aspects. I just don't think you're ever going to get away from it. People are going to be reductive of virtually anything and everything, because it makes the world quicker, easier, and simpler for them.