Weird how picky they are considering most of their host country bans even incest between cousins and anyone bound as family by marriage, which was their justification for said rules in the first place, the law, as if fake incest content is illegal there in the first place. Sorry to tell you this, Patreon, not really, but incest laws in your host country only apply to real people.
"Lessons in Love" and "Harem Hotel" are the only two I play for the story alone with "Lessons in Love" receiving a higher priority on my play list and more attention paid to it while playing. In the case that both somehow release at a close enough interval that I haven't had the time to play one before the other releases, the "Lessons in Love" update automatically gets played before any other game on this site, including "Harem Hotel," so the "Harem Hotel" update would be put on hold until I completed the update for "Lessons in Love." Of course, that is extremely unlikely to happen, but I stand prepared in case it does.
They aren't the same, Ami is a girl who lost her family down to one person who she now sees as her only source of comfort and love taken to an extreme in her grief, Noriko is just a psycho, seriously the most deranged character in the game by far, and Ayane is lonely due to how her own family is, way too preoccupied with their business for her own good. She literally has to go down to the skullery to talk to the butler for anyone to talk to at all while at home.
As for the ending, there is one and only one potential possibility that I keep forgetting, but the chances that even that ending will be anywhere near positive are slim at best. In the Denpa genre, there is sometimes one last ending to unlock once all the other, honestly really depressing, endings are completed. There is sometimes a true ending locked behind completion of the others that, on EXTREMELY rare occasions, we're talking better chance of getting hit by lightning rare, comes to a more positive end. Not necessarily positive in general, but more positive than what the other endings did.
Exatctly, praise be.
Yeah, I can say right now with absolute certainty that riding into the sunset with his harem is not going to happen. I cannot say for certain there won't be anything more positive, only that truly positive is less likely than winning the lottery AND getting struck by lightning...twice in the same spot. This genre, Denpa, is well known for several things and that is one of them. If Selebus were to make any of it truly possitive, it just wouldn't fit. It would remain a great game, but it would only be able to achieve an okay level of quality as a Denpa game. However, there is a little bit of wiggle room. This doom and gloom is what the the genre is best known for. I know I mentioned "Doki Doki Literature Club" before, but another game that I used to think was standard horror and turned out to be Denpa is "Higurashi," though that's not as famous for its Denpa aspects, so look at that as an example of where this might head as well.