It could be possible that Haruka finally snaps and abducts Rin (assuming she doesn’t turn out to be her lost daughter or something).
Or similarly; Maki tends to have something of an obsession with Haruka. But in this case; I’d wish them all the best (and perhaps Sensi gets a regular kitty threesome).
Unless I’m mistaken; nothing says such unsavoury nonsense can’t be girl-get-girl...
Yeah, I don't see that happening, Molly, maybe, given what we saw at the end of Rin's route so far, but Haruka? I just don't see it.
There actually is no hard rule about who can cause an NTR situation, it can be a guy or a girl, it just has to be someone the one being stolen is not in a relationship with, the one being stolen has to already be in a relationship, and the one being stolen has to willingly begin to prefer the one who stole them over their own lover. Especially that third one is crucial since, if it doesn't involve the girl starting to fall for the one stealing them, it's only cheating, which is not the same. The one being stolen can be male or female, but the one being stolen cannot be the character whose point of view it is happening from or it is instead classified as reverse Netorare and the point of view cannot be from the one stealing or it is classified as Netori. The one stealing can also be male or female as long as the above conditions are met, it's usually a guy, but there are a few cases in existence that have shown a girl doing the stealing, usually a yuri situation as the guy being the one stolen is especially rare, more so than the rare cases of girls doing the stealing.
Recently I have acquired VR equipment, and having just started on the 16.2 release, I couldn't help but start imagining this as a VR game... I hope that when VR is much more common, and there are tools making it easier to make VR games that Selebus seriously considers recreating this game in VR. The happy scenes would be so much more impactful, and the girls would seem even more like real people than they already do.
VR and VN don't exactly go well together. If this were a game like Koikatsu, the game used for the graphics, maybe, but a VN doesn't make much sense as a VR game.
Can anybody help with the computer code for the There is Nothing event?
Check the guide on the front page
There's also the replay function in the event tracker and I THINK that was given in one of the Trinity 'happy' scenes, but I would have to check my notes.
I think you mean fortunately, if you just accept the good and ignore the bad you risk creating an echo chamber.
A good example of this is the beginning portion of this game, it's rough, the game has a very specific tone that i like but others seem to hate, and that's the constant back and forth between vanilla lightheartedness and somewhat dark (and in some cases uncomfortable) scenes.
I love that shit, it reminds me of Cross Days (which probably served as an inspiration for this game).
I wouldn't be surprised if some people start to peel off the further this game goes down that path, it's inevitable, but the bulk will stick by.
That is very true, I know of a couple developers who deliberately turned their comments into an echo chamber, looking at you, Innoxia of Lilith's Throne. The comments becoming an echo chamber is an EXTREMELY bad thing to have happen and it can quickly lead a project to ruin. That said, the negativity here is mostly personal preference regarding the darkening tone, the inability to avoid 'happy' scenes, the inability to avoid consequences, and other similar things and not something that can be fixed without a major change to the structure of the game or even the story in the case of the tone and 'happy' scenes since the latter literally IS the main story and therefore extremely important.
People peeling off is exactly what I am concerned about and an entire reason I defend Selebus's views on piracy of his game. The way I see it, it is GOING to happen, so he needs to be in the best position possible to resist the effects of that peel off period or the project will be in serious danger even if he does intend to continue no matter what.
Who were you in My Time at Portia? That's one of the better games I've played in the last five years
Edit: My guess is Papa Bear
Indeed, it is a pretty good one, I should go back through it one of these days to see if I can tell who Selebus was. I've gotten fairly good at identifying both the source of written and spoken word based on delivery and, in the case of spoken, voice pitch to the point where I have around 6 different voice actors I can immediately identify with a single word, so this should be a fun little challenge.
Piracy isn't wrong.
It never did and it never will. I don't get how this argument is still able to persist, you'll even see these types of comments on private torrent sites. The SEGA Saturn is a much better example of how piracy can cause actual damage, but to simply speculate on a potential dollar amount of lost revenue is just silly.
I enjoy this game very much and I'm looking forward to paying Selebus upon the completion of this title. I'm sad to hear about this affecting him/her on a personal level, I'd imagine that I would experience strong negative emotions myself despite having a clear stance on piracy not being wrong.
Except the part where it actually is. Make no mistake, it may be condoned on sites like this and may not be very heavily enforced against, this site would be toast if it was, but it IS wrong. It is a form of stealing, which is inherently wrong and makes piracy wrong by extension.
The amount of dowloads do not equal the number of "lost sales".
Piracy 102, the amount of unofficial sources, AKA pirate sources, DO add to the number of lost sales.
It never did and it never will. I don't get how this argument is still able to persist, you'll even see these types of comments on private torrent sites. The SEGA Saturn is a much better example of how piracy can cause actual damage, but to simply speculate on a potential dollar amount of lost revenue is just silly.
It persists because it is true, as all truth persists.
It's objectively wrong. I don't understand why do people persist in trying to justify them doing it and making up excuses. There are valid reasons for doing it, you do it, I do it, but it's objectively wrong. Were is this need for validation of your life choices comes from?
That I wholeheartedly agree on.
This is also valid way.
You were doing so good, what happened?
Indeed, I think it is an attempt to convince themselves using the Goebbels principle, a lie repeated many times eventually becomes true to the person who it is repeated to. They don't want to feel the negativity that comes inherently with doing something wrong, so they make their mind believe that it isn't.
Wait, do you seriously go by the moniker "DJ Horn"? That is amazing.
How is that not one of the special lust names already?
Yes please, maybe for Niki?