I'm not into big girls and I also like Futaba. While she is too submissive toward certain people for her own good, she's a very kind a gentle girl and I like those types.Also, I gotta say, for someone tots not being into "big" girls at all (I like petite a very lot), Futaba is actually great.
I was tots uninterested in her for a long time but she managed with her sweetness and her character writing for me to care for her just like the rest, and I hate how Sensei treats her.
But then again, this is true for a whole bunch of the girls (except for Kirin. Screw Kirin, literally and figuratively.)
You're not supposed to like playing as him, actually, you're supposed to hate him. That said, I am seeing VERY minor signs of this redemption. Let's just hope theI do hope that, somewhere along the line, he eventually gets some sort of redemption arc. I love the game, I love the girls' stories but I kinda don't like playing as a piece of shit. I believe that among all his mental instability there is still some good and eventually you can fix your mistakes or something like that.
I don't even think we're dealing with the same Sensei the girls came to know before the story. Yes, the same person, but not the same mentally speaking.I think, ultimately, in the very long run, this will happen.
It is not that Newsei, the new Sensei (or very Oldsei, so to speak, unbeknowing to him) is an unempathic asshole.
The issue he has right now is that he does not feel that he belongs in this world, that it is his world, his story, his history.
And therefore he does what probably many in a very unique situation as his would do: treat it like pervert GTA.
We humans, aside of my firm belief that we do have morals for other than mere selfish reasons, act (mostly) responsible and considerate because of the consequences our actions would have otherwise. But if we think there are no consequences, that nothing is real and nothing will have lasting damage, then I am afraid most of us would succumb to our darker, more free and much, much less considerate fantasies that deep down we all have ("I wish I was more of an asshole but...").
Newsei is in this state of mind. He still treats it as some kind of game (ironic, isn't it?), as something without lasting consequences, so why would, should he care? It also is fundamentally a very interesting situation, as he is a New Sensei "reborn", yet hinted to be the very first Oldsei nonetheless. So he is in a very direct conflict with everything his actual self stands for, without even realizing it.
This realization will come though. And it will come through quite great tragedy during the sad arc. And we can at least make an educated guess that he will be able to fix some of the damage his previous, all to (in)human error caused.
The big question though, and the whole full circle of this game is if he can still save Maya, and if there even is a chance for that. That is the question I think no one aside Sel can answer as of now. (Though ffs I really hope so. She deserves so much after all the pain she already has endured during all those cycles...)
Definitely, that's how Denpa works typically and even Selebus has said as much.I suspect it's going to get MUCH worse before we see a significant positive change.
I still haven't forgiven him for the Miku thing and I may not ever do so.He shows flashes of it, then goes and does something like what he did to Miku. He's still very much a terrible person, and never actually shows signs of remorse when he causes actual harm. Or, for that matter, his complete lack of remorse for what Ayane went through during this last reset.
He's very much in a battle between a force that actively wants to destroy the girls (and has said as much in some of his interior monologues) and a higher nature. Don't let the brief flashes fool you, he's still doing more harm than good on average.
I wouldn't call player Sensei pure evil at this point, just an asshole with almost no filter for his asshole behavior.That must be because she never does it in english, but either japanese or hexa code. It's a pain but I translate the hexa code every time I see it, it's worth it
Yeah, probably. I don't mind that though, I just hope that at some point it gets a little better. I never liked pure evil or pure good characters, I prefer flawed ones in grey areas but so far I can't say that the MC fits there.
Believe it or not, that's actually A LOT more tedious than just going back through the event the normal way. You have to know, or find, the flag set by that event and any other events affected by it, which there are some, or you could severely screw up the game.orrrrr you can cheat, reverse to during the beach, and unset the chika event in the console ;P
You'd be better served cheating in game if you're going to cheat, but then you suffer whatever consequences Selebus decides to place into the game for any save marked as a cheater save.