Yeah, I don't think pregnancy's a prerequisite. Ayane's pregnancy is what led to Maya and Sensei doing all their probing that caused her to "wake up" as it were, but Yumi's being directly affected by the time skip and the probing (not a euphemism) from Sensei that followed could accomplish the same effect.
Especially because all the other girls remember her doing something (apologizing to the class) that she doesn't remember doing.
I actually WANT her to show up on the rooftop first, before she sleeps with Sensei, because of the comedic value of Maya and Ayane constantly insinuating she has slept with him.
It makes sense if perception probing is how Ayana made it through her second reset; I went back and see if there was anything similar happened to her that helped her made it through the first reset. Turns out, her event where she went on the roof to talk about feelings right before her first reset indeed has dialogues about Sensei mentioning world ending and Ayane contemplating on the idea and what she would do if the world indeed restarts. Even the entire event looks little "fishy": sky being neon-crazy and how Sensei goes up to the roof to meet her (maybe it's because the event takes place literally right before a reset where things are already happening).
Then I looked back on Makoto as she is another girl that has had sex with Sensei, has been to the roof for her own reason, has heard from Sensei's "it reminds me of the end of the world" and has noticed world fuckery after she jumped and time fuckery after the second reset, but yet to made it to the roof during resets once, not even in her fucked up version. Indeed, Bluejay and the subsequent main events didn't have the same perception-probing vibes, so perhaps some elements are still missing for her to finally join the apocalypse club.
It might be that her perception towards the world or time needs to be probed by Sensei and ONLY by Sensei (and maybe only by the REAL Sensei as well), not by herself jumping or by discussing with others (as I am pretty sure Maya has tried that several times with many girls a long time ago, maybe). Or maybe it has to be an "in-depth" discussion about the topic like what Ayane has ("in-depth" here is used as loosely as possible).
Or it might be that Ayane just happens to be on the roof right before a reset begins and that somehow counts towards something. Pregnancy simply becomes a coincidental segue that makes her want to go to the roof unbeknownst to an incoming reset. Since at the end of Nevermind she wants to be left alone on a roof for a little while more, maybe she in a way just starts at the finishing line during her first event.
Or maybe what Ayane said in karoke ("making it to the roof or not is determined by how much we love Sensei") is somehow foreshadowing lol
All in all, I also wish Yumi can be next for all the same reasons. I honestly thought Ayane is the ultimate girl that can make a reset as light-hearted as it can be, then I saw all the possible Yumi dialogues