I noticed something while thinking about Noriko's last invite over event, the scene where we enter "dirt, trid, user 1 more like loser 1" is meant to cut User1 connection with Sensei. That is why "Ami" shows up and is sure it's Maya.
Which means either Maya can cut User1 connection or Maya's god can and further either Maya knew Noriko was gonna get fucked or her god also hates Noriko.
Either way Ami showing up wasn't randomly, it was on purpose to screw Noriko up, to either catch her on the act or to cuck her as it happened.
Hmm I thought it was The Old Ones, who has a similar imagery to 今/Nao in
Mother’s Milk, that you summoned, but I agree that Ami wasn’t just “happen to come home early”.
On a divine power level, 今/Nao appears to be at least as omnipotent as the gods we’ve known, while Maya has been proven time and time again quite powerless; Maya might cheer for how clit blocked Noriko was but I don’t think she’s anywhere capable of actively making that sequence happen (maybe we’ll learn about this during Maya vs Noriko dorm wars)
But looking at how extremely interrupted Noriko’s invite-overs are (one by Maya and one by your self-claimed guardian angel 今/Nao), maybe Sensei’s existence will really get threatened by unknown mechanisms if he indulges himself with Noriko, and Maya’s biased hunch is actually correct.