Did you guys have any characters that you radically changed your opinions on during the course of the game/on replay?
Ayane. On my first playthrough, I kind of found her to be overly clingy and a bit annoying. I also wasn’t a fan how she bottled up all her problems and pretended everything was fine when it wasn’t. I was just like… ‘oh my God! Please communicate!’.
However, once she started showing up to Resets regularly and became apart of Sensei and Maya’s dynamic, and after seeing all she had to endure along with them, I changed my tune on her pretty quickly. I still don’t know why I found her affection annoying at first… On my replay, it really wasn’t as bad as I made it out to be. Granted, I also had context that time for what was to come.
On the opposing end, my opinion on Maya was way different on my first playthrough compared to my second. In my first one, I sort of took everything she said as gospel and trusted she knew exactly what she was talking about. That’s why I was kind of suspicious about Noriko for a little bit too.
Once Reset 5 came around, though, and Tsuneyo dropped that line of, “those who claim they should be trusted are oftentimes the ones you should trust the least.”, I was genuinely floored. She made an excellent point, after all. Especially when the topic of false memories came up. Who’s to say Maya Prime didn’t
also suffer from some false memories of her own?
Therefore, on a repeat playthrough, I paid attention to everything Maya Prime said, to see what lined up with truth and what she wound up getting wrong (there was quite a bit, actually).